👏good Christian music👏 Ishimaru x Reader *OLD*

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Trigger warnings
Child neglect.


Ik Ik, that the entire premise of this fan fic is you getting hit in detention over WAP. But IT'S MY FAN FIC! AND I'LL ANGST IT IF I WANT TO!

-story start!-

  Ishimaru sat in-front if you, at a desk. His face disappointedly was buried into his hands. I mean, you had done something really stupid. BUT- it was also very funny.

"Ok L/N-Chan, please explain to me. What part of you thought I was a good idea to blast such an immoral song! In class as well!"

  You looked over to your detention buddy, Owada. Who had brought the speaker.

"Because, Cardi B did not slave over a song for me not to blast it!"

He looked at Owada.

"Thanks for your input Owada, But I didn't ask you."

  He looked back at you, waiting for your response.

"I was gonna blast a different song, but I didn't think you would like Hollywood Undead."

  He looked at you two, some of the biggest disappointment forming in his eyes. You looked up at him, making eye contact for a second.

"You have the same face as my father when he looks at me."

  Owada bursted out laughing, he usually wouldn't laugh this hard. You just shrugged and figured it was the way you said it. Ishimaru, was not as joyed.

"L/N-Chan! Please don't make such comments."

You nodded your head in agreement.

"Anyways! Owada, you get out 30 minutes before

You jumped forward in your seat.

"WHAT! That's bullshit!"


Owada snickered, but stopped when Ishimaru gave him a death glare.

"You two, I should be able to hear a pin drop."

You sat there actually finding the time to do some homework without screaming. After an hour had gone by, Owada pulled a bobby pin out of his hair, and dropped it to the ground, making Ishimaru turn to face him.

"Well, I kept quiet , you heard my pin drop, I'm leaving."

Ishimaru nodded

"Alright! Don't get into an accident on your way home."

He stood up and grabbed his book bag. Nodding as he walked out the door. You went right back to work, as if no one was even there. You had taught yourself to zone out while doing work, so you didn't even hear Ishimaru as he walked up to the desk you were sitting at.

"L/N, I actually need to have a discussion with you."

You look up at him, as he pulled a chair over.

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