💝Sadistic Music Factory💝 Ishimaru x reader 💝 *OLD*

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Okay, so..... I may have grinned on Sadistic Music Factory on project diva for so long. My eyes started watering. Well my eyes started watering an hour in, I went for 3. So I decided that it would be a good story idea.

-Story Start-

  Your eyes were watering, not from crying. From the bright screen you had been putting all your attention to. You looked at your percentage.


  You looked down at the screen and went to go push retry when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"L/N! Don't you think you've been playing for long enough!?"

  You looked at him, tears in your eyes from he bright screen.

"I'm not stopping until I PASS!"

  He looked at your eye's, tears running down your cheeks from to much light.

"No! I think you've been playing for long enough!"

  He snatched the switch from your hands.

"Give your eyes a small break!"

  You went to go grab it back, but he had already moved the charger dock up to a higher self then you could reach. And you were pretty sure he could hear you drag a chair.

"C'mon! Just one more try?"

  Your eyes were now a weird mixture of dry and crying.

"Do you, want eye drops?"

  You shivered at just the idea of them.

"NO- I mean no, my eyes will be fine!"

  He looked down at you and walked over to a shelf.

"Maybe try reading a book! It stimulates your eyes and it have no light screens to deal with!"

  He handed you a book and you looked down at it.

"Just read it for about 20 minutes and I'll give it back! Okay!"

  You sighed and walked to the main room to read. You plopped down on a sofa and started reading it. The story was interesting but nothing to write home about.
  You could hear him doing something in the kitchen, but you just assumed he was making something for him to eat.
  About 10 minutes later, you felt a small shake.

"L/N! When was the last time you ate?"

  You looked up from the book and thought.

"Well, I was playing for three hours, and I hadn't eaten anything before that..... about 10 hours ago."

  He looked at you, shocked.

"10 HOURS?"

  He grabbed you by the arm.

"You need to eat L/N! That's very unhealthy!"

  He dragged you to the table, and gave you some food.

"After you're finishing eating! I'll let you return to your game!"

  You heard those words, and began eating as fast as you could.

"L/N slow down before you choke!"

  You slowed down, seeing his point. After you finished eating at a New Yorkers pace. You found that you were more sleepy then anything. You let out a quite yawn, and rubbed your eyes.

"If you're tired L/N! Go take a nap!"

  You blinked.

"What... no..I'm fine!"

  He sighed.

"Go take a nap! Then I'll give you you're switch back."

  You yawned and sighed.


  You stood up and walked to your room. Not even a second after you laid down, you passed out in your bed.

-word count 533-

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