𝟢𝟢𝟧 . 𝐼𝓃 𝓌𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒽 𝓈𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁𝓈 𝒽𝒾𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈

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"So let me get this straight, you and Daniel want to go to Leicester to go party?" Ross asked his younger sister who had just told him her fake plans which Daniel knew to go along with if he phoned him,
"We really just wanted to go on a road trip before we started working again," Daisy added as she had made sure that Ross knew she would be working right after she got back from her little trip to Germany to see Christian,
"Okay, just please be safe and if anything happens please call me," Ross was refraining from telling her not to get too drunk and to not do anything stupid but he knew his sister wouldn't listen to him anyways,
"I will don't worry Ross, I love you," she smiled as gave him one last hug before she sent off on her journey to Leicester.

Daisy's road trip playlist mainly consisted of music from before 2000 as she was an absolute sucker for that kinda stuff, just ask her record collection. But there were One Direction songs slotted in every now and then which made the two hour drive go by some much quicker. As she parked down the road from the King Power Stadium, Daisy looked down to see that she was receiving a call from Ben,
"Hiya," she said cheerfully as she held her phone up to her one ear and shut the car door,
"I'm just checking to make sure that you've arrived safely," Ben confessed nervously as she smiled,
"Is little Benny caring for me?" She teased and let out a little giggle,
"I've just arrived and I'm about to start walking into the stadium now," She added as she let her keys drop into her jacket pocket,
"If you've brought your car then park it around the back because then you avoid the traffic if you leave the back way," Ben obviously wasn't told by anyone that Daisy had the biggest obsession with cars and that she absolutely adored just being able to drive anywhere,
"Okay well now I'm going back to my car," Daisy said as she turned around to go park in the place that Ben had recommended as she heard other voices joining the call,
"I have to get going, I'll meet you in the car park later okay," Ben had the biggest smile on his face knowing that the young blonde was going to be spending some one on one time with him after so he'd be able to get to know her better,
"Okay, good luck today," Daisy smiled as the line went dead and realized that he had hung up.

The game had ended 2-1 to Southampton and it was obvious that everyone was pissed off about the result especially seeing as Southampton was a man down for the majority for the second half.
Daisy had wondered over to where Ben had told her to wait, she was fiddling with the zipper on her jacket,
"Daisy hey," She looked up to see James Maddison walking over to her,
"Hiya," Daisy smiled as he pulled her in for a hug,
"Ben is just finishing up in there," James smirked as he saw the young girl's face turn a light shade of red at the mention of his name,
"I see he listened and got you his shirt," he teased as I nodded and zipped up my jacket now feeling cold again,
"Would have rather gotten a Vardy shirt but I guess I'll have to settle," Daisy joked as she heard a scoff from behind them,
"You hurt me Barkley," Ben pouted as Daisy let out a little giggle,
"You'll get over it Chilwell," she shot back as James turned to Ben and they did their little handshake,
"Well I'm off, it was nice seeing you again Daisy," James gave the smaller girl one final hug before he was off,
"You played well today," Daisy spoke in a very hushed tone which most people found incredibly soothing,
"Thank you Daisy, should we get going?" He asked as she nodded and directed them over to her car,
"This yours?" Daisy found it slightly amusing how he was to see her Jeep that she considered her baby,
"If you say anything rude about my car you're walking to this pizza place," she threaten him as he stuck his hands up in the air and protested his innocence.

The car had finally parked in front of the small pizza place which only had one couple sitting in,
"Ben, you're back! And you've brought a girl," a small Italian women came out of the kitchen and pulled him in for a hug as Daisy looked around the restaurant at all of the pieces of art hanging up,
"Do you want to find us a table?" Ben asked snapping her out of her trance as she nodded and chose the table at the back which looked onto a gorgeous garden.
"So tell me about yourself," Ben smiled as he came and sat down across from her with two menu's in his hands,
"Well I'm 19 I turn twenty next month and I'm a model," she responded with a shrug as she looked over the different options knowing what she was going to get,
"No, I want to know things like your favorite midnight snack or your favorite flower or the things you can't live without, you know the random things," Ben smiled as he watched the girl think for a moment,
"My favorite midnight snack would have to be a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and the things I can't live without would probably have to be my record collection and my painting supplies and my favorite flower is definitely pink peonies but daises come as I close second," she explained and waited for his reaction,
"I'll respond to that in order, firstly mint chocolate chip ice cream is disgusting," he said quietly as Daisy loudly scoffed and crossed her arms,
"Slightly confused by the record collection and I didn't know that you paint and I like your taste in flowers," he finished as the girl gave him a slight glare,
"Mint chocolate chip is the best ice cream flavor, and my record collection is like my child so shush," she shot back and just as he was about to say something a young English boy who looked like he was a year or two younger than Daisy came to take their orders,
"I'll just get the pepperoni pizza and a water please," Daisy said to the boy as Ben asked for the same thing,
"Vanilla is a better ice cream flavor, just a quick FYI," Ben mumbled as Daisy shook her head,
"Vanilla, are you a fifty year old man?" She joked as he looked at her and acted offended as she let out a giggle,
"Are you sure the gaffer is going to let you eat this stuff," she teased as he shrugged,
"What he doesn't know won't kill him," Ben said in all honesty hoping that he never found out about their meal.

The two youngsters had finished their pizza and had to cut their conversation short as it was now time for the pizza parlor to shut for the night,
"Do you want to go for ice cream?" Daisy asked instantly regretting it realizing that he was meant to be on his diet,
"Yea sure, there's a place just down the road so we can leave the car here," Ben felt happy as he saw the smile plastered on her face.

𝐈𝐟 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 - 𝐁𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now