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A week past, Emma woke up in an empty bed as usual. She looked at the time and saw it was still early, causing her to wonder why Regina left so fast. As she sat up, she noticed Regina had folded all her clothes and placed them on the cabinet like she always did. Emma grabbed her phone, deciding to message Regina instead of going to her.

Emma: Gina, where'd you go? It's 8:30, come back to bed x

Regina was sat at her desk, clicking through emails she had to get through. She picked up her usual glass of breakfast whisky and drunk the rest in one go. Her phone then buzzed, signalling a message. Regina looked to see it was Emma, confusing her as to why the blonde was up so early.

Regina: you're not usually up this early x

Emma: I woke up earlier to see you and you're not here. Come back to bed with me xx

Regina: I'm already dressed and have logged into my computer already. I'm sorry. You can come and sit in here with me if you'd like x

Emma: don't worry, I'll stay here

Emma looked annoyed at her phone as she dropped it on the bed, sighing in exhaustion with her girlfriend. Regina tossed her phone into the table annoyed at herself. She knows she needs to be there more but she is in such a strict routine, it's hard getting out of. She picked up her whiskey bottle and poured another drink, taking it all in one go before hiding both the glass and bottle in her desk draw. She slipped a mint into her mouth to hide the smell. She picked up her phone and messaged Emma again.

Regina: are you still in bed? X

Emma looked at it, hesitantly she opened the message. As she read it, she looked confused why Regina asked. It was obvious Emma was still there.

Emma: yeah, why? X

Regina stood up from her desk, tucked her chair in and headed towards the door. She quickly made her way up the many stairs towards her room, opening the door slowly and quiet. Emma looked at her a little confused but smiled as well. Regina took her work blazer off as she got to the bed, slipping into it so she faced Emma.

"Morning, mi amor" Regina softly said with a smile, moving some hair behind Emma's ear.

"Morning, my love" Emma said with a chuckle, pulling her girlfriends body closer to her.

Regina kissed Emma softly against the lips, smiling into it as she did so. Before Emma could deepen it, Regina pulled away. She sat up and fixed her hair, confusion the blonde.

"I have to get back to work" Regina said while rearranging her shirt on her body.

Emma didn't take any chances, she wrapped her arms around Regina's waist and pulled her back down. A laugh erupted from the brunette as she landed on her girlfriends stomach. As she moved, Emma kissed her deeply and passionately as she kept her close. Regina moved so she was straddling over the blonde, kissing her just as much. Emma still had the covers over her naked body while Regina sat above it. The brunette pulled away and sat up, fixing her hair once again.

"Don't leave" Emma begged as she held her hands around Regina's stomach.

"I have work, em" the brunette sighed, looking down at her girlfriend's sad face.

"You are always working, you're never here with me" Emma huffed in annoyance, still begging the brunette to stay.

"My job involves lots of working. On my lunch break we can like usual but you know in the mornings is my craziest" Regina said, sighing as she has explained this many times.

"Just go, it's more important anyway" Emma huffed, rubbing her hands against her face to hide her anger.

"More important? Than you? For fuck sake, Emma. Are you serious" Regina asked annoyed, looking down at the woman like she's crazy.

"Well can you blame me for thinking it? You are so focused on your job rather than being here with me" Emma replied with a sigh, looking at the woman annoyed.

"Whatever. Meet me in my office when you've grown up" Regina huffed as she climbed off the blonde and out of bed.

"Grow up?" Emma questioned, looking at the brunette behalf annoyed, half confused.

Regina stormed out the room in anger, heading straight for her office. Emma got out of bed, went to Regina's draw to find clothes she left there a few days ago. She quickly slipped into it before heading out the room. Regina was already in her office, angrily typing at her computer. Emma opened the door and glared at the brunette in the seat.

"Seriously? Knock" Regina said in an angry tone as everyone knew to knock on her door.

"Ow no, you don't get to take the higher ground with me. Don't tell me to grow up when I'm asking to stay with me in the mornings instead of choosing to work" Emma growled, slamming the door shut as she made her way to the desk.

"I don't choose to work! If I don't work, this place crumbles. I will loose my money, so the mansion will have no money, so you guys will have no money. I woke my ass off to keep this place running and you are annoyed at that" Regina angrily said, standing up as she leaned against her desk.

"Don't try and bullshit me, ok? During the day you do whatever you want. If you want to go for lunch, you do. If you want to drink, you do. If you want a party in the middle of the afternoon, you will because you work on your own hours. So why is staying in bed with me an extra hour so bad" Emma asked, locking her eyes with the brunette to get her to talk.

"Are you seriously trying this on me? I get most of my woke done in the morning so I can spend the day with you. I rush my work so that I have as much time with you. I never use to, I use to take my time with it and spread it through the day... But the day you walked through my office doors, I started doing my work faster. Don't try making me the bad guy in this" Regina replied, pacing a little in anger as she looked down the whole time.

"So I am? The girl who wants her girlfriends in bed in the morning is the bad guy? Fuck you, Regina" Emma huffed as she turned around, heading towards the door.

"Fuck me" Regina questioned, walking around her desk as she watched the blonde confused.

"Yeah, you heard me" Emma snapped, glancing round with a huff.

"Fuck me yourself, coward" Regina huffed, glaring at the woman now frozen in her tracks.

"What" Emma asked confused, turning round and stepping closer.

"Your heard me, fuck me yourself" Regina snapped again, glaring into her girlfriends eyes.

Emma walked back over to her and grabbed her hips, smashing the brunette against her desk. Regina winced at the small pain but was cut off by Emma's kissing her deeply. Their anger fueled the kiss in such a passionate way. Emma tried to pull Regina's skirt down but couldn't, pulling away confused and annoyed to look.

"How does this come off" Emma huffed in annoyance, too angry to think logically.

"The zip, dickhead" Regina replied with an annoyed tone, spinning round to show the blonde where the zip was. Emma rolled her eyes and pulled it down, stopping when it go half way past Regina's ass. "Careful with it, the material is fragile and expensive" Regina quickly warned, waiting impatiently for the blonde to hurry up. The zip caught, annoying Emma more. She looked at Regina before ripping the rest of the skirt off. The brunettes eyes doubled in size as she heard the frantic break. "You did not"

"Ow I did"

Regina turned around annoyed, seeing the smug but angry face on Emma. She grabbed the blondes top and ripped it in half, revealing Emma in just a black bra. The blonde looked annoyed at her top before back at Regina. Both as annoyed as each other, they pulled back into the kiss. Emma lifted Regina up and took her to the sofa.

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