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2 long and hard years past, a word not said between either of the women. Emma was back living in New York, Regina still at the mansion as if they never met. The broken hearts they felt was the only reminder the other existed. Emma was sat in her lounge, watching TV to enjoy her first day off in a week. She kicked her feet up and sunk into the sofa. That's when her door bell rang, erupting a sigh from the blonde before she made her way to the door.

"Em, hurry. I gotta pee" Dede shouted in, bouncing up and down as she was desperate.

Emma laughed as she opened the door, seeing her friend sprint past her to get to the toilet. Emma owned a 1 bedroom apartment and worked as a waitress, meaning her income wasn't as high. She hasn't gambled since the mansion and knows it hurts too much to think about. Emma went back to the lounge, knowing Dede would shortly follow.

"De, on your way in, can you bring me the Doritos" Emma called out, realising she forgot to grab them.

Dede flushed the chain, washed her hands and headed towards the blonde. She tossed the Doritos at Emma before slouching down next to her. They both sighed in exhaustion though neither had done anything.

"So, how is the love life? That guy from the other night" Dede asked, knowing the blonde has been going out a few times but not much.

"That was doomed from the start... Still slept with him though" Emma shrugged, causing the pair to laugh at her silly one night stand.

"It's good you're getting yourself back out there and doing all this, I mean about time" Dede said with a laugh, nudging the side of her friends shoulder.

"Yeah I know, all this obsessing over Regina was pointless" Emma sighed, still feeling the hurt inside her.

"It's understandable, Em, and I know it still hurts. Over the past 9 months, you fell in love with that woman and she handed you back your heart on a silver plater" Dede said with a sad face, knowing the blondes heart is still broken.

"Yes, thank you for that" Emma sarcastically said, rolling her eyes at her friends words.

"You still love her, don't you" Dede asked, almost knowing of the answer she may get.

"Is that crazy? It's been 2 years and we only dated 3 months, why am I doing this" Emma asked in an annoyed tone, knowing Regina is all she thinks about.

"Because you didn't just date for 3 months. That woman took your heart on the first day and you slowly fell for her over the 9 months together. What she did, that was fucked up but you have to see that to move on" Dede replied, rubbing the side of her best friends arm.

"The worst thing is, Regina probably sat at her desk not even thinking about me anymore" Emma sighed, imagining the brunette just sat at her desk doing nothing.

"Let's get some pre drinks in and tell the girls to meet us at the club, we are gonna get so drunk we don't care tonight" Dede said with a smile, jumping up to grab something from Emma's fridge.

The blonde smiled at the idea and rested back on the sofa, wondering what Regina is up to right now. She was not correct. Emma imagined she was sat at her desk, just typing and writing away like nothing is bothering her. Regina was actually throwing stuff at her office door, Anita located opposite it.

"You're such a cunt" Regina screamed, throwing a stapler at the closed door.

"Me? You're the one throwing shit" Anita snapped, still holding the door shut.

"You lied to me... AGAIN"

"You asked for it... AGAIN"

"ME" Regina snapped in disbelief, walking around her desk in anger. She went to the door and pulled it open, seeing Anita looking angry at her. "I asked for this" Regina questioned, swinging her arm around and punching the woman in the face.

Anita got angry, very angry. She pushed Regina backwards, causing her to stumble into the middle of the room. From there, Anita grabbed the brunettes throat and tripped her up, crashing Regina's body against the floor. Regina winced at the pain but felt Anita's hand back around her throat soon enough.

"You asked for this. Not me, not your little friends or Emma... You did" Anita snapped, glaring down at the woman between her legs.

Regina looked so angry and breathed deeply to try keep calm. Anita released her throat as she leaned down to kiss the brunette. Regina wrapped her arms around Anita's neck to keep her head down. They both kissed deeply but the deep passion they wanted wasn't felt by both, only Anita felt it. As they both split lips, Regina locked eyes with the green in front and instantly remembered how beautiful Emma's eyes were. She shook that thought away quickly, still trying to forget the blonde.

"Will you marry me" Regina asked, moving a loose strand of Anita's hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, of course" Anita replied with a chuckle, smiling down at the woman she loved.

Regina smiled, as fake as she could, before pulling the other brunettes head down to kiss her again. They led, still in pain from the fight, kissing on the middle of Regina's floor now engaged again. Meanwhile, Emma was in one of the busy night clubs in New York. She was dancing and drinking away anything she felt sad about.

"Can I interest you in a dance" a guy asked, holding his hand out to the blonde.

"No, sorry" Emma simply replied, turning away from him to see the bar.

As she looked at the other side of the bar, she saw a brunette woman with short hair kissing a blonde woman with long hair. Of course, her mind went to Regina and all the kisses they shared. She watched them with a sad look upon her face, just wishing for her pain to be gone.

"What? You never seen two people make out before" Christina asked, making her presence known on the other side of the blonde.

"What? Sorry I was thinking" Emma replied with a shrug, turning back to face her friend.

"Well don't, we both know what happens if you think too much about it. Just come dance and have fun" Christina said with sincere smile, placing her arm around her closest friend.

"Come on them" Emma chuckled, turning around to head back to the dance floor.

Her phone then started ringing, she looked into her back to see it was Yun calling. Emma kept in very close contact with almost everyone at the mansion except Regina, of course. She ignored the call for now, knowing it is probably just another catch up. As Emma started dancing, it rang again but this time Heidi. Emma sighed and ignored it.

"Who keeps calling you" Mia asked, looking confused at the blonde.

"Just some friends but I'll call them tomorrow" Emma replied with a chuckle, joing back in with the dancing.

Her phone then started again, this time Brandon. Emma sighed and tool the phone out, answering as she headed for the exit. As she got out the doors, she placed the phone to her ear.

"About time" Brandon sighed, sounding annoyed they were ignored.

"Oh she answers to you? Give me the phone" Yun huffed, grabbing the phone from the taller guys ear.

"Hey, what's going on" Emma asked concerned, knowing now it's not a catch up.

"We've been trying to get ahold of you, we have to talk" Yun said in a tone half annoyed, half gentle.

"What?" Emma curiously asked, unsure if she want to know now.

"Regina's getting married" Yun softly said, hating the words that left her mouth.

"What" Emma asked in a soft tone, shock and hurt consuming her.

"To Anita" Yun added, still soft but worried about the reaction.

"WHAT" Emma asked in anger, her blood boiling inside her.

"And she wants you at the wedding"

"You're joking, right"

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