10. Left Out

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Haider was clueless while being dragged by Amaal

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Haider was clueless while being dragged by Amaal. Many times, his heart skipped a beat when in hurry he missed some steps as he was being mindlessly being pulled to oblivion. Soon, they reached the room and he sighed in relief, finding blood rush back to his heart.

Amaal shifted closer to him and whispered into his ears making him jump on the spot, - 'I had taken the short cut.' She then pulled him inside the room.

Haider blinked into the semi-dark room; within seconds it was illuminated with bright lights. His eyes pricked and instantly, he shut them tightly. Out of nowhere, Amaal jumped next to him and he gasped loudly, nearly being knocked over. She giggled at him. Haider adjusted his wavy hair neatly and pulled on his sweatshirt. Amaal pointed towards the piano and he nodded.

'I can't believe I am doing this.' He sat on the stool. Amaal peeped beside him.

'Do you need lights dimmed? Will that bring out your jaam?' She asked seriously. Haider turned his face and got stunned to find her face very close to him. She stuck out her thumb to him. He nodded and cleared her throat.

'Switch off the lights, please.' He waved a hand at her. She nodded excitedly and hurried to the switch. 'At least, I don't have to see your face.' He muttered to himself. The dim lights soothed his eyes. A moment later, he heard the door close.

Haider felt her gaze on him. Her proximity and piercing gaze made him nervous; for the first time. He touched the keys, took a deep breath, and began to play. He started with the tune; his father had taught him. It was simple music. Slowly, he got into the mood. His eyes closed and his fingers began to glide over the keys. All the happy memories with his father and Alina. The failed relationship and loss of his father got him into a sad and bitter mood that reflected in his music. Sometime later, he did not realize how long, Haider felt a hand on his shoulder and he abruptly stopped playing.

His eyes sprung open and he turned his head sharply, - 'Alina.' He called and pressed his lips looking at Amaal. She looked at him with concern.

'You play such soulful music.' She complimented him. Then, to his surprise she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his head, hugging him from the side.

'I can feel the pain in your music. I can relate.' She confessed, her voice barely a whisper. Haider stood up and pulled down the hem of his sweatshirt.

'It is getting late. We should go.' He responded and Amaal nodded. On the way, she complimented him some more. But his mind was lost in thoughts of Alina. He wondered how she must be and if she was thinking about him.

Amaal climbed up the top bunker. Haider switched off the lights and within seconds the lights on the top bunker switched on.

'Hey, why did you switch off the lights so early.' She called from the top.

'Because I am sleepy.' Haider lied and climbed up the bed. Amaal huffed and leaned back against the wall. He laid in his bed, pretending to sleep. Finally, after what seemed like eternity Amaal switched off her lights. He waited a little longer and then pulled out his laptop from under the pillow.

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