17. Grudges

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The rest of the day, he spent trying to pacify Amaal but to no avail

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The rest of the day, he spent trying to pacify Amaal but to no avail. Exasperated and weary he decided to spend some time with Uncle Joy and other elderly people. It could be a refreshing change. And it was. Haider helped them with their stuff, relieved their memories, and learned about their experiences. One couple married for 70 years were very amusing and interesting.

'Oh, she was very a dramebaaz woman. I proposed to her for the first time and she ran away.' The old man, Hitesh Pundit narrated. The woman sat beside him and had her hand looped with his. She giggled shyly.

'You didn't propose. You were very intimidating.' She confessed still chuckling. The man roared with laughter. Haider smiled at him and looked at them with admiration. He listened as Hitesh explained how he met his future wife's family, prominent landlord of the time, and how they had chased him away.

'And she didn't even protest or dramatically come to my rescue.' Hitesh said in a cheerful tone. Haider was amazed at how this man was remembering his bashing as a fond memory.

'Hey, I was just fifteen and I was dead stared of my father and brothers.' Rani Pundit confessed.

'Five brothers. Rani had five elder brothers. All five along with few workers bashed me black and blue.' – Hitesh sighed, wiping a happy tear from the corner of his eye, - 'They fractured my ribs and a leg. But I didn't give up. Next time I brought my parents along with me. Finally, after a lot of struggles, they agreed to give her hand in marriage and the rest is history.' He explained.

Haider kept listening very intently. All these love-stories gave him immense hopes.

Hitesh leaned closer to him and held his hand, - 'Son, persistence is the key. Women are like dreams, keep convincing them with a clean heart and they will be yours.'

'Hitesh!' Rani slapped his arm, - 'Don't give the boy stupid ideas.' – then she looked at Haider, - 'Listen, son. If a girl says no means no. No persistence, no convincing. Nothing. Okay.' She said strictly. Hitesh waved a hand, shaking his head. Haider just nodded in response. Alina hasn't said no, exactly.

Finally, in the afternoon when Haider entered the room, he found Amaal on the floor, leaning against the bed and playing a video game. She doesn't look at him. He looked at her and then at the TV screen. Then, he sighed and sat on the bed, close to her.

'Um, what are you playing? May I play with you.'

'No!' Came her blatant reply. He pressed his lips and leaned back.

'You are mean.' Haider said in an attempt to get something out of her. She sneered at him.

'Lesser than you.' She replied without glancing at him. He sighed removing his shoes and then got up. Amaal watched him walk to the cupboard and neatly place it on the bottom shelf. As soon as he turned, she looked away scrunching her nose to pull up her glasses.

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