Chapter 2

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Mabel's POV:

I watched as I saw my brother fall on his bed.

"I'm not- I'm not crazy Mabel..." I heard him whisper under his breath.

I put a blanket over him, stepped out of the room, and shut the door.

I immediately leaned against the door and started crying.

What happened to my brother? I don't understand! He was just fine when we got on the bus!

I took a deep breath, wiped away my tears, and started heading downstairs.

I head over to the living room where I see Mom sitting nervously on a chair, biting her nails, and Dad is on the couch with a cup of coffee.

"He's asleep now." I tell them.

Dad placed his cup on the coffee table and sighed, "I'm sorry you had to do that Mabel, we know you love your brother a lot."

I gave a small nod and sat down with them.

"So what exactly happened this summer?" Mom asked nervously.

I told her about the fun and peaceful summer we had, and then I told her about the twisted version Dipper told me about.

"But nothing he said actually happened! Well, some stuff did, like the people we met, fishing, and the carnival. But he thinks that some of our friends were evil, we hunted monsters, and that we time traveled!"

We all got quiet; Mom seemed even more nervous and Dad is scratching his chin, thinking.

"Did he hit his head on the bus or something?" Dad asked, finally breaking the silence.

"No, not that I remember... This is all my fault." I said as I go to sweater town and start tearing up, "I should've been looking after him and now he has no memory of this summer and he sounds like a crazy person!"

Mom came to comfort me and started stroking my hair, "Your brother's not crazy Mabel, I'm sure he's just tired from all the fun you had."

"But he seemed so sure of it! Like it really did happen!" I said as I continued to sob in my sweater.

Mom and Dad looked at each other nervously, not sure what to do.

Dad got up from the couch and dropped to one knee in front of me, "Sweetheart, we know you love your brother a lot. So here's what we'll do: if he wakes up and he remembers the summer that you remember, well, everything will be fine!"

I pulled my sweater down from my face and looked into his eyes, "And what if he's still like this tomorrow?"

Dad sighed and looked up at me, "Then we'll have to take him to the doctor and see what's wrong."

I covered my mouth from shock and more tears started falling down my face.

I looked at Mom who is now also starting to cry. She nodded her head slowly and hugged me tight, "Don't worry Sweetie, Dipper is the smartest boy I know. When he sees you tomorrow, he'll remember everything."

I break the hug and nodded at her and Dad, "I hope so."

We all have a family hug and then Mom and Dad tell me to start getting ready for bed.

I changed into my pj's and slowly opened the door to our room. I see Dipper fast asleep on his bed and I can tell he was crying, seeing his red, wet face.

I sighed, go inside our room, and walked towards Dipper. I take his hat off and put it on the edge of his bed. I ruffled his hair and smiled a small smile, "Don't worry Dipper, I know you're not crazy." I whispered.

I slipped onto my bed and pulled the blanket over me as Waddles jumps on too and curled up to sleep, "Good night bro-bro."


Dipper's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and wake up with a splitting headache.

Ughh... what happened last night?

I looked around and noticed we're not in the attic anymore, oh yeah, we're back home.

I turned around and saw Mabel sleeping on her bed. Wait... MABEL!

I can't believe I forgot about what happened to Mabel yesterday!

I rushed out of the room, still in my clothes from yesterday for some reason, and go to the family phone.

I quickly dialed Grunkle Stan's phone number and let it ring.

"Hello?" came out the other line.

"Grunkle Stan? It's Dipper! Sorry I interrupted your packing for the monster hunt, but I need to talk to Ford fast!" I said as quickly as possible.

"Dipper? Why would I be packing for a monster hunt? I need to take care of the Shack kid! Who do you think the owner is? Soos?!"

Oh no, I'm too late! Maybe Grunkle Ford still remembers.

"Grunkle Stan I'll explain later! But right now I really need to talk to Ford!"

"Geez kid, slow down! Here he is."

I wait as Grunkle Stan passed the phone, "Hello?" came out of the other line.

"Great Uncle Ford! Something happened to Mabel and I think Stan too! She doesn't remember anything of what happened this summer and I think Bill is behind it!"

"Dipper, don't mind me asking but, who's Bill?"

I freeze and my eyes grow wide in shock.

"Dipper? You still there?"

"NO! NOT YOU TOO GRUNKLE FORD! You're the author of the journals! Your brother brought you back though the portal! You helped us stop Bill!" I yelled into the phone.

"Dipper calm down, you sound CRAZY!"

I can't take that word anymore, "I'M NOT CRAZ-" but someone snatched the phone out of my hand.

I turned around, "Hey! What gives-" I then stopped to see Mabel holding the phone and crying.

Her eyes are all red and her face is covered in tears. "Ma- Mabel... wh- why, why are you crying?" I asked, stuttering as I calmed my voice down.

She just stared at me and continued to sob.

"Ma- Mabel what's wrong?" I asked, but at the same time my neck twitched from nervousness.

She dropped the phone and covered her mouth, followed by more tears.


She couldn't even see me anymore, she ran away downstairs.

I picked up the phone and ended the call, I guess it's up to me to fix what Bill did.

"Mason, could you come downstairs please?" I heard Mom call for me.

Oh no, real name. This can't be good.

Did I do something wrong?

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