Chapter 7

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Bill's POV:

mid June~


It's been about two weeks since "we've" arrived at Gravity Falls and it's also been about two weeks since I've been trying to become friends with Pine Tree.

He's really nice and sweet, so I want to become good friends with him. Maybe even more than that... DANG IT CIPHER! YOU KNOW IT'LL NEVER WORK!

Wow, no wonder Pine Tree talks to himself so much. It really knocks some sense into you.

Well anyway, today is Saturday and Pine Tree has the day off so we're just in his room thinking of what to do. Well, more like I'm thinking of what we should do.

"What's Shooting Star doing?" I ask as I levitate up above Pine Tree's bed.

"She's gone shopping with Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica." he answered back at me annoyed, trying to read his book.

"What about Red or Question Mark?"

"Wendy's with her friends, and Soos is on a date with Melody." he says, still reading his book.

"Fez and Sixer?"

"I don't know and I don't think I WANT to know." he answers a little angrily.

"Hmph," I say as I roll my eye and look away to stare at the ceiling.

There was awkward silence for about thirty seconds.

"Why would you want to hang out with them anyway? What would you even DO?!" Pine Tree asked, breaking the silence.

"Prank them, scare them, I don't know." I answer back.

"If you don't know then why did you ask?"

"Because I'm booored Pine Treeee!"

Pine Tree then slammed his book shut and sighed, "Fine Bill. If you're THAT bored, I have something we can do."

I slowly levitate down closer to Pine Tree and smile, "What is it?!"

"Well, you see, I may, or may not, have forgotten to take my medicine this morning. Sooo..."


Dipper looked at me with a confused look and I then realized that I sounded like a twelve year old girl screaming at a concert.

"Were you just fangirling?"

"What's that?" I ask.

"Never mind. Let me just get some stuff and I'll meet you at the door."


Dipper's POV:

I grabbed some snacks, sunscreen, and my journal and pen. I met Bill at the door and we were off.

We went into the forest and so far I've seen... nothing.

"Bill are you sure they're still here? I don't see anything."

"You just have to look closer Pine Tree." He then grabbed me and pulled me towards his face, and then pointed at a small patch of grass, "Look."

I rolled my eyes and then squinted them to try to see what Bill was seeing.

And suddenly, in a blink of an eye, a gnome scurried off from one tree to another.

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