Chapter 4

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Dipper's POV:

Hi, my name is Dipper Pines. I am seventeen years old and I live with my mom, dad, my twin sister Mabel, and her pet pig Waddles.

I just graduated high school this year. I'm going to be eighteen in about three months and I want to go to a good college next year. The thing is, my parents are worried about me leaving, and to be honest, so am I.

You see, five years ago, when I was thirteen, I was diagnosed with False Memory Syndrome, or FMS for short. I think I got hit on the head or something? But basically when I came back from that summer, I had these strange memories about strange creatures and super natural stuff that was practically impossible.

After my first session with my psychologist, Bell, I suddenly became super paranoid and was afraid of pretty much everything.

Kids at school laughed at me when I would scream at a pencil breaking or flinch at the slightest touch on my shoulder. The words "Trust no one" just stuck in my head twenty four seven.

I just, didn't feel comfortable around anything without Mabel at my side. She stuck with me through everything and I'm glad that I have her as my sister.

But my parents got worried about my paranoia and fears so they asked Bell if there was something that would help me with it. And with that, I now take two pills a day: one for when I wake up and the other for when I go to sleep.

The pills helped a little I guess. I feel less anxious and don't worry as much. But for some reason, I can't shake off my fear of triangles (yeah, learning trigonometry and geometry was tough) and I refuse to wear anything that has even the slightest bit of yellow on it.

Yeah, I'm weird. You'll have to accept it.

But any way, now we're on summer break and Mom and Dad made a big announcement today: we're going to Gravity Falls again.

Mabel was so happy when she heard the news. (Especially the part that she can take Waddles with her.) We haven't been to Gravity Falls since that year, and it's kinda my fault. So I was happy for her.

But I felt the complete opposite and Mom could tell that I was getting anxious.

"Don't worry Sweetie," she said as she came over and gave me a hug, "This is just so that you can get used to being away from us. I know you want to go to college, and this is the perfect time to get over all your fears."

I nod but I was still a little nervous.

Dad came over and put his hand on my shoulder, "Don't think about it too much Dipper. Besides, we told your great uncles about it and they said they would help any way they can. Plus you'll have your medicine just in case."

I felt a lot better after hearing that and I think I'm ready to see Gravity Falls again.

"Alright now go start packing!" Dad said as he gave me a playful push to go upstairs.

I laughed and started heading to my room. (I've had my own room ever since Bell recommended it, explaining that I should have my own space.) I start packing my clothes which is mostly grey jeans, reddish-orange shirts, a dark blue jacket, and my sleepwear. I also put in sunscreen, my pills, some money, and I'm all set. I put my phone in my pocket (which I got from Mom and Dad for my thirteenth birthday), grab my backpack and Wendy's hat, and head out the door.

Time skip~

"And don't forget to brush your teeth when you wake up and go to bed." Mom said, talking to Mabel.

"Mooom! I'm not a kid anymore!" Mabel said complaining but laughing at the same time.

"I know, but I'm still your mom!" she said as she gave Mabel a small kiss on the cheek.

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