Chpater 5

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Ford's POV:

I dropped my newspapers and coffee mug and and ran upstairs without any hesitation.

"Dipper I'm here! What's wrong?!" I yell as I barged into the room.

I see Dipper, terrified, at the edge of his bed and his back is against the wall. His eyes are closed and he's shaking his head back and forth as if saying no.

He slowly brings his arm up and points to the center of the room. I look at what Dipper's pointing at and I'm relieved to see nothing there.

I come closer to Dipper and sit down on his bed, "Dipper what are you pointing at?" I ask calmly.

He puts his arm down and starts stuttering, "It's- it's him! It's Bill- it's Bill Cipher!"

His parents had told me about this "Bill character" and that's what he fears the most. I sigh in relief that Dipper's not in actual danger.

"Dipper, look at me." I say in a soft tone, "There's nothing and no one there. You're safe."

He lifted his head slowly and opened his eyes which were filled with fear, "You- you don't see him?" he asked.

I shook my head no and Dipper went back to hiding his face.

I sighed and got down on my knees, "Dipper, I can't help you here. You need to battle your own inner demons yourself."

With that, I got up and dusted myself off, "When you're ready, come join us for breakfast. And don't forget to take your medicine first."

I saw Dipper give a slight nod and I left the room.

To be honest, I'm really worried about my nephew. We had so much fun that summer and he doesn't even remember it. Sure I was gone for most of it because of my small business trip, but Dipper left Gravity Falls with traumatic memories that weren't even real.

He even thought that the reason I was gone for most of the summer was because I was stuck in a portal for thirty years until Stanley helped bring me back. The portal was supposedly in my "underground laboratory", also known as my bedroom, and that it almost destroyed the world. I know, crazy right?

I know I told Dipper that we would support him no matter, but I just can't believe the stuff he's said. Portals? Demons trying to take over the world? My brother being smart enough to fully activate a piece of machinery?! It's just not possible.

As I got back to the kitchen I saw Mabel cleaning up the mess I made.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry about the mess I made. You know you didn't have to clean that up for me Mabel." I said as I bent down to help her.

"It's ok Grunkle Ford, I have it covered. Don't worry." Mabel said with a smile.

I smiled back at her, "Alright if you say so."

Mabel handed me a new mug of coffee and went to wash the dishes, "Sooo, Grunkle Ford, is Dipper alright?"

"Hmm?" I replied, as I made eye contact with her, "Oh yes, your brother. I'm sure he's fine now."

"Maybe I should go check on him..." I stopped Mabel there.

"No Mabel. He needs to learn how to deal with his fears by himself. That's why you're here, isn't it?"

Mabel sighed and gave a small nod, "I guess."

She continued washing the dishes and then I remembered a question I had for her, "Uhh, Mabel?"

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