For her..forever

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Prompt: can u do something about both of them meeting amelia and links baby? I wish he would be alive.

Set in s16 of greys. Ofc this is a "If Derek didn't die" story.

"Derek! Derek wake up!" 

Meredith jumps on to the bed beside her husband and violently shakes him in an attempt to wake him up. 

He had spent the previous night at the hospital and has been asleep ever since he got home.

"Hm what?" he asks groggily. Why couldn't Meredith let him sleep longer?

"Amelia had the baby." 

"What?!" he exclaimed now wide awake. He had been sleeping while Meredith was at work, therefore he didn't know Amelia had gone into labor. What a surprise it was.

"Yes, now get your ass out of bed and come meet your nephew!"


"Hi, brother." Amelia says, her voice laced with exhaustion. 

She gives her older brother and his wife a sleepy smile before saying, "Come meet your nephew." 

"Ooh I want to hold him." Meredith squeals.

The baby fusses a little bit as his aunt reaches down and lifts him out of the comfort of his mother's embrace.

"Hi little one. I'm your Auntie Mer. You are so beautiful. Yes you are." she cooes softly at the tiny human in her arms then looks up at her husband. "Do you want to hold him?"

Derek smiles, his eyes fixed on the baby boy. His sister's son. He remembers meeting her for the first time at the hospital the day after she was born. His other sisters disliked her from the second they laid eyes on her. 

Not Derek though. He had been mesmerized by the little girl with her big blue eyes and dark hair. That was the moment he made a vow. A sentence of words, a promise to his little sister.
I will always protect you. For you...forever.

Now she's all grown up. It's been hard. Her life hasn't been easy but he always tried to be the best big brother to her. 

She's a woman now. A kick-ass neurosurgeon. Sober. In love. A mother to a beautiful little boy and most importantly, she's happy. That makes him proud and happy too. 

"I'd love to hold him." he replies to his wife.

His smile widens as Meredith gently lays his nephew in his arms. 

"He's so beautiful, Amelia."

Four hours later, the Grey-Shepherds here still visiting Amelia and Link when a nurse from the OB floor came and told tem visiting hours were over.

"We'll see you tomorrow, 'kay?" Derek says and leans down to kiss the top of his sister's forehead. "I'm so proud of you, Amy."

For her, he would jump in front of a train. He'd protect her at all cost. For her..forever.

We still don't know the name of Amelink's baby, that's why it's not mentioned. 

I know this doesn't have much merder but I liked the idea of showing a Derek/Amelia bond bc I find we didn't get enough of them in greys before Derek died.

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