Chapter 12

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A/N: the picture above ^^^ ricky's ring looks like the one in my story. OUUUUUUU I DIDN'T EVEN PLAN THAT BROSKIS HAHAHAHAHHAHA

so i have developed a plan. ricky thinks he can tease me? that's fine! that's totally fine if he wants to get DESTROYED in his own game. so that's why i have created what i like to call: the flirtlympics. and i'm gonna win. what if ricky retaliates you may ask? then i'll come back twice as hard! i will rain down hellfire, do you understand me? 

i am

T H E  K N I G H T.

"we live in cities, you'll never see onscreen. not very pretty but we sure know how to run things." i mumble sang the lyrics along to my favorite lorde song. call me a basic lorde fan, i don't care. it's a good song.

it was a sunny sunday morning (ha, see what i did there?) ricky and i spent the whole day together yesterday, disregarding the 30 minutes it took him to get coffee for us. apparently, the starbucks he worked at was open 24 hours, and he worked the night shift on weekends. he was usually supposed to be sleeping during the day, but he said spending time with me just seemed more important to him. as you can tell, he is already getting delusional. 

yesterday was, well, amazing to stay the least. while i was painting, ricky was busy reading the outsiders while slumped down in a beanbag chair. his occasional gasps and 'oh no he did not!'s made me giggle while i swayed along to the music blast through my bluetooth speaker. the sun shone through the windows whenever he would grin at me or watching me dance. i was on a happy high from just being around him. i didn't have to care about saying the wrong thing for my image, or being goofy and ruining my reputation. i didn't need to be nina, i could just be nini. i-i mean hazel, just be hazel. 

"maybe you should sing a little louder so that i could actually hear your voice." ricky groaned from where he lay flat on the floor. 

i hummed a laugh, swiping white paint against my blue wall. base coat for the main attraction of the mural ;). "my voice is for me to hear, and no one else to." we do be lying nini. "also, why are you just laying on the floor?"

"i want to become one with the ground." ricky replied, his arms flying to rest against his face dramatically. 

giggling, i put my paint brush down and squatted next to him. i noticed his eyes were shut and there were large bags under them. attractive. "are you tired?" i asked softly.

"mhmm" his eyes fluttered open a little to look at me. they were pretty red. "i guess i thought i'd be fine living off of caffeine for twelveish hours, but i'm an idiot." 

"what else is new?" i joked, making ricky chuckle, but he immediately stopped and groaned. 

"ow." he mumbled, his hand coming up to rest against his forehead. 

i moved from my squatting position to sit down criss cross style. "what hurts?"

"my head." he mumbled in a baby voice. "it's, like throbbing. and the lights in here are so bright." 

aw poor baby. but, this could also be a perfect opportunity for the flirtlympics.... would that be mean? yeah, probably.... but isn't that the point? 

i brought my hand up slowly to ricky's curly hair, running my fingers through it. his eyes fluttered closed as my fingers softly massaged his scalp as a lazy smile drew on his face. he hummed in contentment, making me smile.

"does that help?" i whispered, not wanting to make his head hurt anymore than it did.

"yeah." he replied in the same tone. "it's perfect hazy." for some reason, the nickname hazy was really growing on me. 

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