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A/N: no ones reading this lmfao but it's ok, I'm writing this for me 😌✌️


"So you're really from Neverland?"


"And there really is the lost boy's?"


"And fairies are real?"

"Gosh, (Y/N), you do ask a lot of questions." He told me floating up a bit, hovering slightly over my bed with his legs crossed.

I giggled. "You speak like you're from the 1960s."

"Wait it's not 1960 anymore?" He gasped, landing back down onto my bed with a thump. "Gee, I thought it still was."

I shook my head, leaning back onto my railing bed. The fan was blowing a cool breeze around my room when passing me it made me sigh in delight. Of course, once Peter saw it he immediately tried to fit his fingers through the gaps. It was a close call before he nearly sliced off his layers of skin.

This was the second night he had turned up at my window. I haven't bothered to ask why... yet, but once I get to know him I'll ask. I don't want to scare him away just yet.

"So, if it's really not the 1960's anymore..." he paused, genuinely thinking hard. "What year is it?"

"It's the Year 3000." I joked. But you should of seen his reaction, it was priceless! His mouth was hanging open like a fish out of water and his eyebrows were up to his hairline. I laughed out loud, slapping my knee. "You should see your face!"

His shocked expression then changed, looking more grumpy. "That's not funny (Y/N)."

"Wow, you actually believed me!"

"I don't know..." he sighed. "Time works differently in Neverland."

I calmed down a bit, still smiling. "It's actually 2020."

He turned to me, still looking super grumpy. "Stop pulling my leg, it's not funny anymore."

"Haha, no!" I grinned. "It's actually 2020, and it's been a nightmare so far."

He shared a glimpse at me for a second before giving up and letting his curiosity in. "How so?"

"Oh dear, how do I start?"

That's how it took me about two hours (including answering his questions and getting off track with answers) I described how hellish 2020 had been so far. The Australian wildfires, nearly WWIII, the Corona Virus pandemic, the current protests that were going on all over the world, people showing their compassion for each other as they fought for equality and rights, the crisis in Yemen. Everything, I explained everything.

He sat, listening, observing and taking in everything I told him. By the end, I took a deep breath and the fan continued to blow air into my room.

"That all sounds fascinating." He told me, staring at my room with me. We sat in silence for a while. Before he said: "I've missed too much."

"Surely you must have known what the years were?" I asked him. "Don't you take in Lost Boys, like, a lot?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Well... after the Darling Incidents I just... didn't." He grumbled. "If I'm being honest a load of guilt has been weighing over me; all of those boys out there who could be... found."

I nodded. He sounded tired, exhausted even, being weighed down with all of his guilt.

"Wendy and Jane?"

He snapped back up, looking at me dead in the eyes. "How on earth do know their names?" He wasn't asking, he was demanding. Seeming almost scared.

It surprised me and I rested a hand on his shoulder to see if I could bring peace. "You're a legend here Pan, in my world. Didn't you know?"

He seemed to calm down.

"A legend..."

"Well, maybe not a legend but more like a child's fairy tale."

He snorted. "Wow, thanks. You made me sound like I was an 100 and then downgraded me to a 2."

"You're welcome."

We sat in our silence and this time it was plenty more awkward than the last. I knew what I wanted to say but I didn't know how to start my questions, for example; why are you so shocked? I thought you knew you were a fairy tale. Or perhaps, what Darling Incidents? Didn't you all have a happy ending?

"So if I speak in an old way, then what's the more modern way?"

His face was all scrunched up in confusion and I laughed. I'll save those questions for another day.

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