Take Me Away

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Everything was back to normal.

That one night and suddenly, it wasn't as if he never existed. I busied myself- with my distance learning, caring for my twin brothers when Mum was at work, even trying to learn new things via the internet. I tried everything to get my mind off of him but by the end of the night, when the night came, I always left my window open. Maybe it was a force of habit from when he actually did come around all the time, but I found myself dreaming of him too.

It was ridiculous; how me, a girl of fourteen and common sense, wanted to see him again? Obviously, our friendship meant to much to me than I thought.

I sighed and turned over in my bed again, making the springs creak. A gust of wind blew from the window and it made me startle. The summer was over, so I found myself pulling my covers around my shoulders closer. The wind blew again and I groaned. This would mean that I would have to close the window, which I didn't care about much, but was more worried about having to get up and out of bed. I mean, my feet were already cold as they were. I lifted the duvet, shivering slightly as goosebumps raised on my thighs, and walked over to the window. 

The moon was already high in the sky and clouds were visible, the light reflecting off of them. Stars peeked through the sky, like blobs of white paint dotted all over the sky. My street was quiet, not a sound in a west London suburban town. No animals, no bikes, no cars, even though we were quite near to the motorway. It was almost uncharacteristically quiet. 

I sighed into the outside, feeling my nose get bitterly cold. 

The moon disappeared from view for a moment and I jumped. When I looked directly at it though, it was the same. There and shining down on London like a spotlight. I shook my head, concluding it to only lack of sleep. Perhaps I was starting to become crazy, it was a more plausible reason than the moon flickering on and off.

I laughed to myself, trying to reassure that I wasn't losing my eyesight. It was only a mistake.

But when I saw a shadow flicker across a cloud I paid more attention. Now that definitely wasn't an accident and I couldn't brush it off as a hallucination. There was a mysterious black, shadow blob just behind that cloud, I knew there was because I was staring at it this time. It wasn't Pan, too big for that, and neither it was his shadow. I mused with the idea that he had brought all of the Lost Boy's for a second, and all of the clumping together but then titled it unlikely. 

I peered around the sky a bit more sceptically for a moment because a gust of a breeze blew onto me and the hairs n my upper arms stood up. "What am I doing..." I scolded myself, rubbing my arms and then reached up to close the window. It was too cold to just meander around, so I closed the window and drew my curtains together harshly. 

I stood with my back to the window for a moment, contemplating opening it again but the coldness on my arms told me otherwise and better. I sighed, walking back over to my bed and slipping under the duvet again. 

It was quiet. Too quiet, my mother had gone to bed and I couldn't even hear the twins snoring noisily in the room next to the room next to mine. It was uncomfortable, so I buried my body down further into the covers and closed my eyes harder, thinking that perhaps I could block out the piercing silence with my own. I sighed, what had happened for me to become lonely all of a sudden.

There was a click and my eyes snapped open. I shuffled in my bed and peeked over my duvet. The window flew open and I jumped from my sleeping position, glaring at whoever it was.

I didn't believe in tales; because that's what they were, fairy tales that someone created to put children into sleep. However, meeting Pan had confirmed many things for me. They are real, and to expect anything.

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