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"I just don't want to grow up."

"Oh come on Pan," I stressed the name on my tongue and smirked slyly. "There must be a reason."

He rolled his eyes perching his cap on his face and blocking his eyes from maki contract with mine. "Non."

I sighed, leaning back against all the pillows stacked on my bed. His french would easily rolls off his tongue and I couldn't argue as I would be too proud to come up with a worthy argument. After teaching him the baseline of the romantic language he would bring it out at the most ridiculous of times, overall winning the heated conversation we would be having.

"It's getting late, perhaps I should go and let you get some rest." He whispered as he watched me sneakily rub my eye.

"Noooo-." I stifled a yawn. "I'm not tired."

"You look like you're about to drop off."

"Legends don't sleep, it's for the weak."

"Well then I must be incredibly weak."

He floated up, away and landing softly beside me and tugging gently at my too big t-shirt. I sat up and he arranged my pillows so that I could rest down comfortably without craning my neck at an uncomfortable angle.

I murmured a thanks but it got caught in my throat, creating a grumbling noise. Although my eyes were closed, Pan's breathing was as if it was smiling. Make it make sense.

I finally was lifted up with one of his arms as he carefully pulled back my covers and placed me inside the sheets. I immediately snuggled in towards them and let my senses start to dull. But before I started to properly black out I felt a cold metal object pressed into the palm of my open hand, my fingers closed around it safely.

"Bonne nuit, ma belle."

The lights switched off.


Don't attack me I'm a 14 year old in y10 learning french by pure panic, so of course I used fucking google translate for those pieces of french

I'm læży

And I have decided that we need another Peter Pan x reader out there because no one realised how AMAZING the normal Disney Peter Pan is, genuinely my first crush on when I was younger lmfao

Enjoy ✌️😗

Ps no this isn't a Once Upon a Time Peter Pan fanfic bc I am too lazy to remember every detail his life. Anyway, Robbie Kay is fit and I wouldn't do his character justice as a writer

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