According to all the known laws of aviation-

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"There's only one thing that I don't particularly understand in your.. world." I told him, whilst pointing at his floating physique.

"Oh yeah?"


"And that would be?"

I rolled my eyes, as if pointing at him wouldn't be a giveaway to what I was asking. "How do you, fly?" I asked, with pure curiosity.

I wondered if he even knew, or perhaps it was something he had been doing since he even arrived in Neverland. I watched him shrug and land on his feet. His hands were resting on his hips like usual and I smiled. He may be real and sort of unlike the way the movies portray him (a tiny bit, they just made him more childish) but it still amazed me about how much was right and which was wrong. It was almost the author of the original book was a lost boy himself.

"Well, Y/N, my student, that is a very interesting question."

"Which you aren't going to answer?"

"Well, according to all of the known laws of aviation, a boy of my size, height and age, shouldn't be able to fly-."

I groaned, accidentally whacking my head on the back of my railing bed. "Ow... I didn't ask for Bee Movie monologue, I want a proper answer."

He paced for a second before holding up a finger in a "light bulb" gesture. "Well how would you think so!"

"Uhhhh, magic?"

He clicked his fingers and pointed at me instead. "Exactly, all you need is three components."

"Which are?"

"Fate, trust and a teeny weeny amount of self confidence." He floated off the ground, once again for the fifth hundredth time because he's an absolute show off, and whispers "and also a bit of Tinker Bells pixie dust but I like to believe that it's all self influenced."

I hummed in agreement. "What's Tinker Bell like?"

He landed again in my desk chair, playing with his flute. "Annoying, but gorgeous."

I smiled. Another thing, in the films he's seen as uncaring towards his fairy friend but as we speak now I find that he thinks of her in an endearing way. It almost made me angry that they didn't understand how much of an impact Tinker Bell has.

"In fact, would you like to meet her?"

The question took me off guard.

"You what?"


Just a short chapter bc I'm well tired. I'm probably going to end up getting into the proper plot line in a bit. Any comments please share bc it makes my mentally unstable mind release serotonin even if it hate :)

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