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"So, James-"

"Not my name," he sighed, looking down at the map being held in his hand. I kissed my teeth.

"Then what is?"

"Something else." He shot me a glare. "That information is for me to know and for you to never find out." He looked back down at the parchment in his hands. I sighed and leaned back in the seat.

MY ass was beginning to become slightly sore and my eyes itched, but because of the rope binding my wrists I could rub them or itch them. The only company I had had in the few hours I had got here was Hook, who was grumbly and quiet, and altogether a pretty grumpy sod. So, I sat in grumbly silence as well. Just to prove to him that he hasn't got it all that bad.

I had tried to stand and wander about a little (because even if I tried to escape where would I go, let's be honest), but every time he had threatened me and so I just plopped back down. My legs were resting on the old treasure chest now, and my shoes were beginning to make my feet feel cramped. I sighed.

"So, Hook," I waited for a pissed off voice to tell me to shut up, but after silence I decided to continue. "What exactly are you planning for me?"

He glared up from the paper and back down. "Soon enough, Pan will get the information that his little girlfriend had made her way to Neverland, and I am keeping her prisoner. Then on, it's up to him, whether he comes or not."

He leaned forward, resting his right hand on the curve of his hook. "From then on, he either surrenders himself to me or dies." I grimaced.

"Thats kinda grim, dude," I said. My eyes flickered from the map and I chuckled. "Is that just a picture of the island?" I shook my head, my shoulders jolting from my giggling. "You've been intently studying a drawing of an island for half an hour?"

"I- Stop laughing, you're not in the position to-" He slammed his hook onto the table with a loud thud, and he wedged into it uncomfortably. I laughed louder as he turned pink. "Stop!" He commanded as he used his left hand to try and pull it out.

I yelped. "Ow, I have an eyelash in my eye-"

"Good, suffer," he said, finally releasing himself from the wood. He groaned. "Oh, great, now theres splinters in the wood- this is solid oak!"

I sniffed and blinked rapidly, not paying attention to his complaining. This is when the ship decided it would be a nice time to start shaking and rocking. My feet swung off the chest and a large crash came from the main deck. "The f-"

"Thank God, he was taking his time."


"Just shut up and stay here." I rolled my eyes and began to stand, but there was another shake and I stumbled, falling onto the floor, face first. I cursed and turned my head to him.

"Help me?" I pleaded and he kissed his teeth before single-handedly (ha) lifting me up by the rope holding my wrists together behind my back. I gave him wide eyes before he pushed me harshly into the chair again.

"Stay, I need to say hello to our visitor." He yanked the sword from the mutilated (treasure) chest and stormed from the captain's cabin. I sighed, deflating in the seat, before taking a look at the glinting letter opener resting in an old inkpot. I grinned.


Ok, so perhaps I overestimated the power of the letter opener. It wasn't sharp enough, despite the pointy part on the end (still keep out of the reach of kids though, not a good idea if they began chewing on it), and I just ended up with rayed parts of the rope hanging around my wrists, however, they were still as strong as before. I sighed heavily.

The crashing and frantic rocking of the ship had now calmed and almost nothing had happened in the ten minutes that Hook had disappeared. I swallowed thickly and looked about the cabin for something that might aid me in escaping. I didn't have much of a plan, only that I needed to leave, obviously, Somehow, my chances were becoming slimmer and slimmer.

The windows lining the back of the cabin, showing off the horizon of sea, had no caps or seals, nothing to show that they could be opened. I rolled my eyes at the inconvenience.

So these were what I was left with options wise:

1) Go out the door and face the consequences, hope they don't notice me, whoever it is.

2) Smash the window with something blunt, other than my head and hope that I can end up fitting through it.

I stared at my body and then at the window. Perhaps that option wasn't the best. I would get stuck for definite. 

Go outside and face the music it is. 

I shook myself for good luck and put on my brave face, tikering a little with it in the mirror of one of Hook's cabinets for a second before I found one of my liking, before looking sternly towards the door. This could either errupt in good or bad consequences, and I would have to put my faith in the hands of Neverland and/or anything that had ever cared for me in my entire life, before this entire plot point got to my head and I didn't want to be brave anymore. 

I swallowed thickly, and charged at the door of the Captains Quarters, opening the door easily as it wasn't even locked and stumbling out into the open air of the deck. 

Every single commotion in the world paused for that second as I stood and stared around at the pirates surrounding me, and I suddenly felt myself turn very small. There was a groan. 

Hook slammed his good hand onto his forehead. "Why couldn't you have just stayed inside?"

- - - 


damn this is weird huh? me? actually updating? odd innit

i just decided that I would get this chapter out no matter how shit it is and then just continue with the fanfic like nothing in the previous chapters ever happened as we are finally getting on with the plot

yes, it will still be as goofy as before but just with more direction, and no it won't be a frequently updated thing still as I haven't watched any type of peter pan in a century n a half- so don't get thy hopes up, every single thing of this is literally just coming from the horses mouth, it's not even based on anything anymore since Hook obviously isn't a babygirl in the films- 


sure you can imagine them as that i guess? But it isn't, so don't be looking for any plot relevanes, this is completely seperate and purely for sort of Simp Reasons?

a girl of my age should really not be writing stuff like this anymore, but i must appease the masses.

never know, this might be a hit


(ps, go read Star Boy if you liked Treasure Planet, and look for me on archive of our own by @roaur_r :)))))))))) )

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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