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me and kentrell had got out the car and walked back up to the hotel , my hair was a mess , I needed to fix myself up cause I know I looked a mess. "Mane you goodl he said laughing. "Kentrell stop talking to me" I said seriously cause I was hurting and he wanted to play. "Ight mane" he said walking to the boys room. I knocked on the door watching kia open it. Her eyes went wide. She pushed me back a little closing the door , "Bitccchhhhhh I just know" she said and I put a hand to her mouth. "You smell like weed too omg" she said fanning her nose. "Kia I didn't mean to do it." I said looking down. "Omg Kayla , you really fucked him, I'm so proud of you I thought you were gay" Kia said smiling. "Kia this no joke I regret it he has a girlfriend and it was in a CAR I wanted to loose it to somebody I'm with and in a bed at least" I said and she bussed out laughing. "Girl me and Ben fucked in a car it's no biggy ." She said making me look at her fast. "Y'all what and you aint tell me" I said and she laughed once again. "Come on let's get you fixed up. She opened the door and all the girls started looking at me. "Heyy , how y'all doing" I said . "Oh bitch" kalonnie said with her hand over her mouth. "What happen to you" yaya asked: "she had a fight" kia instantly said.

We were all ready to go. "So you gone give tea right." Nicole said. "Nothing happened what you mean" I said and she instantly made a face as if she knew I was lying. "Yeah okayyy." We we're riding and finally made it to the club we were going to. We walked in and kalonnie started dancing. "Oh this my songggg , if you hoes not gone Shake I need y'all to back tf up BYEEE MY ASS FLAT BUT IT WIGGLE THO" she said and start twerking. Dang can we get all the way in and then turn up.

We were all just having a great time dancing and I was actually drinking . "Hey" some boy came up to me and said. "Hi" I said . "Your gorgeous I was wondering if I could get your number. "Yes" I saw kia mouth. "Sure" I said . I gave it to him and he asked me to the dance floor. It's been like 2 hours of us dancing and vibing . But I had to use the restroom . "Hey I'll be right back" I said going to the restroom. I squatted and I wiped my self and washed my hands . I came back out and went back to where everybody was . I walked back to the dude . "im probably finna head out , ima call you later" he said hugging me and leaving . "Got it" I heard Kia say as she recorded and put on her insta story. "Childish" I said laughing.

"Girl where did yaya go" Nicole asked. Everybody shrugged . I looked around and saw her with some dude laughing and talking. "That's here right there right. "Yes where is my phone." Kalonnie said before pulling it out and recording. "Omg" I said laughing. Then my phone ring.

"Hello"I said seeing it was kentrell. "What you doing" he asked . "What else could I possibly be doing at a club kentrell" and when I said that the girls started looking at me being nosey. "Oh I miss you when y'all coming back." He said . "Uh does it matter you should be missing your girlfriend" I said laughing . "I do miss ha , cause it's you." He said . "Bye kentrell I'm not finna play." I said laughing. "I'm not playing I'm ready to stick my di-." He said as I hung up turning red . "What you so red fa" Kia said smirking. "Ew bye y'all in my business." I said laughing"

We had finally left the club and was laying down after our showers . Yaya didn't leave with us , whoeve the dude was we saw her leave with him.
My phone started ringing I hurried and answered cause my ringer was on and I didn't wanna wake the girls cause they were knocked out. "Hello" I whispered getting up. "You wanna ride the city with me?" I heard kentrell say on the other side of the phone. "Boy it's 2 in the morning" I said . "Please we ain't got be out a long time." He said and I sighed hanging up . I put on lulu slides and texted him saying I'm finna be out there.

I got to the car and opened it and got in. He was chessing hard and alll I could do was smile .

He turned his music up playing "into you" by fabulous and tamia . "Boy what you know bout this" I said laughing. "I think your truly something special just what my dreams are really made of " he said smiling grabbing chin as he drove . "Dreams are really made offff , let's stay together you and me boyy ohhhh there's no one like you around" I sung back smiling . "Ohhh babbyyyy" we both yelled and started laughing.

He just was playing all type of different songs and the wind was blowing in my hair it all just felt so good I think this is where I wanna be ... I don't know though , wherever the road takes us.

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