Q&A #1: Answers

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Thanks for the questions!

Only three this time, but if you ever want to ask me more, stay tuned for the next Q&A ^^

1. Are you a hybrid?

No, I'm a full-blood NightWing. Well, Syzygy is :3

2. When will Wings of Fire book 14, The Dangerous Gift, come out at March 2nd, 2021?

If you're asking for the date, you literally answered your own question XD

Yes, you're right, TDG is releasing on March 2nd, 2021, at least as of now. (See my book Updates on Wings of Fire!  for more info-)

If you're looking for a specific time it arrives at your house, it depends on where you live and the shipping rates and delays :P

3. How long have you been drawing?

I've been drawing ever since I was in first grade. Believe it or not, I actually wasn't into drawing at all at first. I've been drawing "comics" (if you could call them that) since I was in second grade, and I started digital art only around one month ago- as you've seen in the previous chapters.

I got into Wings of Fire 3-4 years ago and have been a fan ever since. After I finished TDP, I was already trying to draw the dragon tribes. The first one I ever attempted was an IceWing. (It did not look great.) But I gradually improved over time through practice, so here I am today!

Thank you for your questions and hopefully I've answered them adequately!

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