Chapter 8. The Way Out.

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This one's short, but it's the last one there's a surprise at the end ;)

PS; your gonna hate me till I post next hehe

Word count: 839

"Gally put down the gun we made it out okay there's no reason why you have that." Thomas said trying stedy Gally's nerves. I noticed that there was something in Gally's eyes that didn't seem right. He's been stung I can tell my the symptom's. I pushed Thomas back.
"Don't. He's been Stung." I said.
"You really think there going to let us leave. Well never leave this place. I belong in the maze." He said as he lifted the gun tears going down his blood shot eyes. I could feel the tension from behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see Minho with the wooden spear clutched in his hand. He was going to do something, but if he doesn't do something now he might not have the chance later.
"We all do." Gally said finishing his sentence. there was a mix of gun fire and gasping. I looked at Gally and he had a spear in his chest. He was gasping, but still held the gun. I looked around and saw that Chuck had gotten hit. Minho was to late, but at least he tried. I started to sob and I choked on sobs as Thomas cried at Chuck. Thomas began to beg for Chuck to stay awake that he promised him. Chuck keep saying thank you and he gave him a small wooden figure of him. He was supposed to give that to his parents. Chucks body goes still and Thomas was struck with the expression of guilt and sadness. I look at Gally in rage and was on his knees and he looked at me the gun still clutched in his hand. I reached out and tried to smack the gun out of his hands and he shot again. I felt the blow of my body get pushed back. I was still standing though. My head began to feel light headed. I looked at my body and I saw blood working down the side of my stomach. I looked up and saw Thomas and the rest of them appear with sadness on there faces once again. I tried my best to reach out over to Thomas who stood up and looked at me. He was the most in shock.
"Thomas.." I said and I looked back down down at my stomach. It was bleeding even more. Almost to point of bleeding out. I didn't calapse- not yet, but I forced myself to rip off a peace of my shirt and push it against my stomach were the bullet wound was at. Just like Jeff told me too... I winced in pain as I put more pressure on it. I looked at Thomas and he was crying even more. He started to speed walk over to me as I took another step forward my legs gave up as I tried to take another step. Luckily he caught me in his arms and lifted me up bride style. I put more pressure on the side of my stomach and he cried. I looked at him and put a hand on his face blood in my nails and on my fingers. It covered the side of his face where my hand laid.

"I'm gonna make it. It's okay." I said to him and he nodded. The tears still didn't leave his eyes. I heard a door open from the back of were we were facing. He turned around and I saw guards come rushing in. My eyes started to blur, but I tried to hold on for Thomas's sake.
I had to for Thomas's sake. Guards started to rush in and take all of us out the door Thomas carefully ran towards the door and my vision became worse. Once we got outside there was a sand everywhere. It was like a desert the sun beating down on us made my vision even worse. We were running towards a helicopter and we got into Thomas set me on his lap gently. I sat up from Thomas's lap and watched outside the window of the helicopter. The sand was consuming around the big Maze Walls. When we reach the height in the sky were we saw the whole Maze, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was bigger than I could even imagine. I forgot about my wound at that moment and it hit me like getting punched in the face. I groaned as my stomach started to bleed out as I stopped putting pressure on it. The Guards in the helicopter saw what was happening and they lifted my shirt. I looked at the wound and that's when I started to faint in Thomas's lap. He had a worried look on his face as he yelled my name to try and keep me awake, but that's when I fell into a deep and hard sleep.

To Be Continued...

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