Chapter 5. The Maze Walls.

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Another long one sorry, but have a good day!

Word count: 2,392

I had woken up early that day. I looked over at Thomas's hammock and he wasn't in it. The walls weren't open yet either. I got up and I looked around being quietly so no one could hear my footsteps. When I saw two figures come out of the Deadheads I quickly hid behind a tree and peaked my head out so I could see who it was.
It was Thomas and Minho.
They headed towards the Maze Walls and they soon opened. They ran in and I watched until I couldn't see them anymore. I smiled and went back into my hammock. I was very into my thoughts until I saw a familiar face come up to me.
"Y/n what are you bloody doin up this early?" Newt said putting his hands on his hips. I shrugged.
"Just woke up a minute ago" I said.
"Well you can go into the Med- Jack's if you want just to warm up." He suggested I sighed and got up again and headed there. No one was in there so I just unwrapped my wrist and put ointment on and put new wrap on them again. I just started to make more ointment and other stuff. Soon I went outside to go get food from Frypan. He gave me a smile as I walked in. I sat down and grabbed a sandwich which was just made and I bit into it. It was delicious.
"This... Is the best thing I've ever had!" I said to Frypan speaking the truth. He smiled at me.
"Thanks I get that a lot" he said smirking, I finished my sandwich.
"I'm gonna go I'll see you around" I said and he waved I left. I passed the time talking to Chuck. I keep my eyes glued on the walls. The sun was setting and I was getting worried about them. I think everyone heard theses booms from the distance. I got really worried now chewing on my fingernails. I saw them come out of the Maze drenched in sweat. Usually the walls would close by now, but I wasn't all worried about that at the moment only if Thomas and Minho were safe. Minho was okay, but Thomas had a scrape on his arm and I took him to the Med-Jack's. Jeff and Clint left us alone as I wanted to do this on my own. Thomas held my hand the whole way till we got there. I went over and got some ointment and round pads. To place on the wound. Thomas was sitting on one of the beds. He held his arm out waiting for me as I was pouring some ointment in a smaller bottle. I looked over at him out of the corner of my eye and he was looking at me up and down blushing slightly. I quickly got done and headed over to him. He was totally checking me out.
"So what happened today other than that weird boom noise coming from the Maze?" I said pouring some ointment on the pad.
"Well I think we found a way out I really think we did we can get out of this place all of us!" He said confidently, and I put a hand on his face. I smiled at him.
"If you believe I believe, and I truly believe in you" I said and grabbed the pad.
"Okay this might hurt like hell, but please try not to scream" I said he nodded and watched me carefully. I placed the pad on his wound and he winced.
"So what was the big boom I heard from the Maze?" I said trying to keep his mind off the pain. I had to keep the pad on for awhile.
"Well when we got to the place where we're supposing we get out it like scanned us and then everything started to collapse, and now I'm here."
He said looking at me as I looked at him. He didn't wince as much since I got him distracted. I took the pad off and put a clean pad on and wrapped it so It could stay. Once I was done there was a scream from I don't know where, but I realized when me and Thomas ran outside hand in hand.
The screaming was not someone. It was the Maze. All the doors where opening. All four of them where opening one at a time.
"Thomas has this ever happened before?" I asked looking at him. He looked at me and shook his head.
"We have to get everyone to the Homestead it's the safest place from the Grivers!" He yelled and started running he still gripped my hand and I almost fell over at the sudden pull on my arm. I ran after him and we went to Newt.
"Tommy, Y/n what the bloody hell are you two still doin' out here go to the Homestead now!" He commanded.
"We're not leaving you! Your coming with us!" I yelled they both looked at me and we ran to the Homestead. Newt was far behind and Thomas was almost to the Homestead. Newt was limping horribly. I heard a scream and I saw the horrid thing in my dream come from the Maze. Newt had caught up to me and I pulled him along. We made it to the Homestead everyone huddled around each other. Thomas and me we're probably the closest together. I just realized I hadn't seen Gally all day. I pushed the thought away when we started to hear stomping around us. We started to back up to the edge of the room, but we were to late. A large metal clap burst through the roof and grabbed one of us. Which that one of us was me.
I screamed and tried the grip the floor. I was lifted in the air, but Thomas had gripped my forearms so I didn't get thrown out and killed. I screamed from being pulled one way and then another. I heard a click noise and then a smash. Tears stream my face as I looked at Thomas.
"I'm not letting you go I won't let it take you I promise!" He screamed and pulled harder. I looked over with tears in my eyes as Alby was smashing the arm in half. I looked at Thomas and everyone around me trying to pull me away. I felt my leg pop out of place as Alby screamed and the leg un-gripped me. I fell into Thomas arms and everyone backed into the corner of the room. Alby was still up front screaming at it. My breathing hitched as my leg was placed out of socket. Thomas was gently pulling me to the back of the room. I was wincing so bad I could breathe right. Clint and Jeff came over to me and they noticed my leg.
"Just do it!" I screamed at them and gripped Thomas. Clint grabbed my leg and tried to push it back into socket. I screamed as my leg came back together. I sighed in relief.
"Thank you" they nodded and huddled back into the wall. I looked at Thomas who was holding me I'm his arms tears came down his face. He softly gave me a kiss on the forehead and I hugged him. I then heard the familiar mechanical sound around us. The claw came back and it grabbed the closest person and that was Alby. Everyone got up again and I got up, but I wouldn't be able to run over there so I just stood there. Tears formed my eyes again as Alby said his last words to Thomas.
"Thomas... get them out" and then he was taken everyone stepped back I fell to the ground. I keep mumbling that it was my fault. Thomas came over to me and curled me in his arms.
"It all my fault I shouldn't have screamed I shouldn't have" I whisper yelled to Thomas.
"Hey shhhh it wasn't your fault it wasn't I promise" he said and I soon stopped and we didn't hear the Grivers anymore. We all got up and I walked fine it just hurt. It would be good tomorrow. Some went outside while I looked at the needle that you get stung with that was on the ground. Alby must have cut that off for a reason. I picked it up and Thomas wrapped an arm around me as we went outside.
"So you get the girl huh good job Tommy" Newt said and I blushed I looked at Thomas and he smiled at me. He un-smiled as he looked at the thing in my hands.
"What your going to do with -" he asked but got cut off by someone yelling.
"Gally!" I scowled quietly and Thomas pushed my behind his back to protect me. I peaked my head over and Gally got closer and closer.
"Gally" Thomas tried to say, but suddenly Gally punched Thomas in the face. Thomas fell to the ground and I fell on my knees and he started to get up. I helped him, but he had it. They pushed Gally back and he started to scream stuff.
"This is all your fault!"
"Back up Gally it's not Thomas or Y/n's fault!" Minho said.
"Your heard what Alby said there one of them!"
"They're one of them and they sent them here to destroy everything and now they have!"
I looked at the thing that stings you in my hands and I new Alby did it for a reason. I had to remember. Remember. The words echoed through my head. I had to sting myself to remember. I had to. I lifted it up.
"Maybe he's right." I said looking at Thomas.
"Y/n" he said softly. I looked at Gally.
"I need to remember Thomas." I said.
"Y/n." He said again and I forced the stinger into my stomach. I screamed and feel to the ground.
"Y/n!" I heard people scream around me. I started to twitch and everything went black. Until I started to remember.

Everyone around me was in white everything was blue. I was at a machine with a screen and some monitors. Monitoring some of the gladers even Chuck was on there. I saw Thomas monitoring there too.
"Thomas why are we doing this?" I said to him only without speaking. Then it flashed to a woman saying WICKED is good. Then we were in a room and she said my name again. Then it flashed to me and Thomas in a room.
"How could I do this to them" he said to me. Then he started to get pulled away. They pulled me back to so I couldn't save him. He said one last thing to me before they took him. I said something too.

"I'm sorry"

They flashed to something that I couldn't even explain, but I worked for them we both did. Me and Thomas. It's a test.

My eyes opened I looked around and my surroundings came together. I saw Thomas looking at me.
"Hey you okay?" He asked I shot up. I looked around and I was in the
Slammer. Thomas sat up and I backed away from him a little bit.
"What the hell were you thinking? You better have a good explanation." Newt said and I looked up at him with Minho and Chuck.
"Okay, but first why is it only me and Thomas in here?" I asked.
"Gally said that if you are not against y/n then you have to stay in his orders, but if you agree with her then you get a night stuck in the pit. And banished at sundown." I looked at Thomas and he gave me a weak smile. I started to explain myself.
"This place the Maze. It not a prison it's a test. It all started when we were kids. They'd give us these challenges they were experimenting on us." I said and looked at Thomas.
"Then people started disappearing. Every month one after the other like clockwork."
"Sending them up into the Maze." Newt said.
"Yeah but not all of us."
"What do you mean?" Minho said.
"Guys.. I'm one of them." I said and looked at all of them.
"The people who put you here. I worked with them. I watched you guys for years. The entire time you've been here I was on the other side of it." I said and finally I looked at Thomas.
"So were you."
"What" he said softly.
"Thomas we did this to them." I said to him.
"No it I wouldn't it can't be true" he said.
"It is I saw it."
"Why would they send us up if we were with them?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter." I said.
"She's right. It doesn't matter any of it. Because the people before the Maze don't even exist anymore. These creators took care of that, but what does matter it's who we are and what we do now." Newt said.
"Thomas you found a way out." Newt said.
"But if I hadn't Alby would still be alive." Thomas said.
"Maybe. But if he we're here he would be saying the exact same thing. Now pick up your ass and finish what you started. Cause if we do nothing then Alby's death was for nothing and I can't have that." He said.
"Okay, but first we have to get though Gally" I said. I got by Thomas again and they all nodded. We came up with a plan. But first I had to tell Thomas something.
"Thomas. I have something when we get out." I said holding his hands. I grabbed the needles out of my jacket that is the cure I put them in his hands.
"It's the cure." I said. He looked at me.
"For what?" He asked softly.
"The cure to the Changing or anything else, but it's killing the bad blood that's in your vain's when you get stung. It cures it." I said looking him in the eyes. I took them out of his hand and put them back into my jacket. Now we put the plan in action.

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