The End and the Beginning

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It all happened so fast. First, we were honoring Ashura, who has been chosen by our father to be the new Sage of Six Paths, and then this body of malicious energy came out of nowhere and attacked my brother. One minute, all of us were happy, and the next, utter chaos.

"Katsura! Katsura! Speak to me! My Queen please speak to me!"

I don't know when it happened, but at a point, I suddenly became cold. I can no longer feel the earth around me. I was thrown back into the darkness that I was in as a child. My body feels heavy, yet also light. I can feel nothing, but I can also feel everything. Something warm dripping on my face, and I can hear a voice, but I cannot see.

How did I end up like this..? Oh right. The malicious mass that attacked my brother, was our eldest brother. They started fighting. Why were they fighting? My heart hurts, because I had no way of knowing how my eldest brother was feeling. He must've felt so betrayed. Yes, betrayed... This was my fault, is it not?

I should have known better. I should have talked to him more, stayed with him longer. If I had done that, then maybe we.woukd still be happy. Maybe we would still be at peace.

Instead, my eldest brother destroyed more than half a village with a simple attack from a beast that shall forever be known as the Susanoo.

In order to defend the village, my other brother, Ashura, took up arms, using our father's power, and the tails beasts, in order to suppress our elder brother.

For a moment, I was able to get them to stop fighting, but then.... Indra swatted me away, and I hit the ground with enough force to be winded. Yet, I did not let it keep me down. The moment they were both going to attack, I used all the power I had to stop them, but it wasn't enough. Instead of stopping them, I took the force of their attacks, both of them, and it tore my body apart.

I thought I was stronger, but after that, even I could only fall lifelessly back to the earth. In that moment, it felt like time as stopped, and I heard my name called by a choir of people. My brothers' voices rang in my ears, my father's voice echoed, and my partner's voice. My Akuma's voice, reached me and stuck me like a chakra punch to the heart.

That's it.

That's who is crying over me. I remember how hot his tears can get. It must be him.

"" I tried to speak, but blood was pouring through my lungs, my body couldn't repair itself fast enough.

"Y-Yes! It's me, Katsura, it's me! Y-you're going to be alright, I-I'll fix you right up! T-then we can-"

I used what little strength I had to lift my hand and touch my partner for what I know could be the last time. His skin was hotter than I remember, his cheeks soaked with tears.

"T-tha...nk...yo..u.. I l...ove...y..ou... Be... happy..." I did my best to smile at him as I felt my life draining away.

"W-w-ait! Katsura! H-hold on! Katsura, don't go! I can heal you I- I swear! We can be happy together, go back to the forest... K-Katsura... D-Don't look at me like that..."

I am not sure what kind of expression in making, but for once, without my abilities, my eyes cleared, the darkness lifted and I could see the face of the person who gave me their everything.

" I... sw...ear... we will meet.. a..gain.." I took a breath, but it was difficult. "M-my body...may die...b-but my so..ul.. lives on... humans."

Akuma's eyes widened, I could see the panic and then I saw the rage. My partner's beautiful silver hair that I fell in love with, started to change. His skin, fur, and even his scales that seemed to be covered in a only mist, faded away into his mostly human appearance, what he knows himself to be. His silver eyes burned with the a fury as his skin turned pale.

"Katsura! I will find you, I will! I will avenge you! Those wretched humans, I will make them suffer! Those tailed beasts will feel my undying wrath!"

I rub my thumb over his cheek and did my best to shake my head. "No.... I... just.. want.. to love you...and save them..."

Akuma's tears didn't stop, but he did seem to calm down for a minute, holding my body as close as possible, his hair brushing my skin.

"R-right... N-next time I'll take you away... S-somewhere far... K-Katsura... H-Hey... K-Katsura... W-wake up... My dear... Katsura.. Katsura! Katsura, please! Not like this, no! Katsura! Y-you can't die like this..."

Until the end, all I heard was my partner's voice, and then I slipped away into nothingness. My soul free from my body traveled away, and I never looked back on that life for a second.

Until I make things right, I won't stop trying. I will save my brothers, even if it costs me my happiness in every life.

Yet another mistake.

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