Chapter 14

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[A/N] I'm so sorry for not updating sooner!! It's new years eve and I may have been a little drunk while writing this!!!
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"Bout damn time. I'm glad" Frankie said with a shrug and a smile at the same time Tommy was yelling, an outraged "What?"

"Tommy calm down." Angela said trying to calm her youngest son down.

"But this is bullshit Ma!" Tommy stared at Jane with contempt. "You can't really be okay with Jane dating a woman."

"What do you really think is bullshit Tommy? The fact that I'm dating a woman and Ma is okay with it? Or the fact that Maura prefers me over you?" Jane snapped.

"You knew damn well that I wanted her." Tommy growled standing and slamming his hand on the table. "If you were planning on taking her for yourself you should've told me instead of just stealing her from me."

"You know I always knew you were selfish. But I thought you were better than this." Jane said in a calm yet angry tone. "Maura and I are happy together Tommy. She chases away my nightmares and she gets me like no one else ever has. And I love her. But you don't care about any of that. All you care about is the fact that she chose me over you, that you won't be able to touch her. And that's what's really bullshit."

Tommy scoffed and stormed out of the house making sure to slam the door nice and loud on his way out. She chose me. She chose me even though Tommy had asked her before. I didn't steal her from him because she never belonged to him. She's mine and if I can get my shit together she'll always be mine. And Tommy will deal with it or he won't I don't want my family split over this but she's my family too.

"I'm sorry." Jane said so quietly she wasn't sure anyone heard her. She sat in silence as Maura stood.

"I think it might be best if you two went to talk to him." Maura said to Frankie and Angela. "I'll..." she looked at a defeated looking Jane. "I'll talk to her. We can clean up from dinner ourselves."

They nodded and headed out the door Tommy had left from.

"Did you mean it?" Maura asked sitting next to Jane again. "All that stuff you said about me making you happy, and chasing away the nightmares and getting you" she paused when waiting for Jane to look up at her "and loving me?" she had a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

"Every word of it, I love you Maura, I love you so much. And I guess I was just afraid to say it aloud."

"I love you too." Maura said just above a whisper. She kissed Jane. "I really really love you. And I'm sorry Tommy reacted that way."

"I figured he'd be upset." Jane shrugged. "He'll either come around or he won't it doesn't change the way we feel about each other." Jane laughed loudly. "That wasn't at ALL how I planned on saying I love you the first time."

"Oh? And how exactly did you plan on telling me? and when?"

"Well I had planned on telling you tonight. But I was going to tell you after making love to you all night or you know maybe after just spending some time cuddled up on the couch."

"Well I think you yelling at your brother, while not the most ideal way of saying it the first time, was very sweet."

"I'm glad you think so." Jane grinned. "Now the only person I have left to tell is Korsak."

Maura smiled "He's a good guy I'm sure he won't see you any different."

"You're probably right." Jane sighed. "We should clean this stuff up."

Maura nodded.

It's moments like this where I know I could spend my life with this woman. I'm moving too fast. This is all moving so fast. I've hardly been home since we started dating. I go home like twice a day to feed Watson and Jo and take Jo for a walk.

"Can we stay at my place tonight?" Jane asked shyly.

"If you'd prefer." Maura shrugged. "I just have to feed Bass before we go." She put his food out for him grabbed her overnight bag which was as usual already made up and in the front closet. "I'm ready."

"Okay." Maybe we should spend the night apart. But I already mentioned my plans to make love to her all night. I still want to do that. She's pretty hard to resist even not trying to be sexy. Jane grinned at the images running through her head as she drove.

"You have that look." Maura said as they parked in front of Jane's apartment.

"What look" she asked innocently.

"The one that says we're barely going to get through the door before you start tearing at my clothes." Maura pointed out. "Good thing for you I like that look."

"Yeah it is." Just as Maura said they barely got through the door before Jane was on her. Her lips were sucking gently on Maura's neck while she wrapped one arm around the smaller woman reaching for her breasts. "You know you have an amazing body. Don't get me wrong I'm in love with everything about you. But your body is simply divine." The other had was busy unzipping Maura's dress. She kissed each inch of back she exposed.

Maura moaned as her dress hit the floor. She could feel herself soaking through her underwear already. "Jane." she said desperately wishing she was facing the other woman.

"Think we'll make it to the bedroom?" She asked nibbling softly on Maura's ear.

"God I don't know." Maura groaned. "We should at least try though."

"What you don't want me to fuck you on the couch?" Jane asked. She knew that Maura wasn't the biggest fan of cursing but she'd found that when it came to bedroom talk the word fuck was perfectly acceptable. Before Maura could respond Jane pushed a clothed thigh between the blondes making sure to draw back hard and slow.

"I don't care Jane. Please just..." she blushed. "Just take me please"

Jane began pulling off her own clothes as she walked to the bedroom. Maura stared after the detective for a moment before following her quickly. She found Jane lying on the bed waiting for her. "Don't worry Maur, I promise to give you exactly what you want."

Maura crawled on top of the detective. She knew she was still drenched but Jane had given her just enough time to consider taking control. "Do you really now Detective."

Jane swallowed hard unsure how to deal with the sudden role reversal but extremely turned on regardless. "I do. Just tell me."

Maura licked Jane's bottom lip before kissing her. "Let me be in charge tonight."

"Alright." Jane conceded easily. "But tomorrow I get to be in charge again."

"We'll see about that."

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