Chapter 9

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Maura woke up sluggishly for a brief moment she wasn't sure where she was because she didn't feel like she was in her bed. Then she realized she was in her bed she was just on top of the lanky, mostly naked, detective. Jane had an arm wrapped around her waist she looked peaceful asleep the way she was. That wasn't a dream. It was real. Oh! I fell asleep. She must think I'm awful.

"I can see the wheels turning in your head." Jane said her voice sounding more gravely than usual from sleep.

"I fell asleep." Maura buried her face in the detective's neck out of embarrassment.

"Not for long and anyway I told you to sleep. You could barely stay awake." Jane began drawing nonsense patterns on Maura's back with her finger. "Don't worry I took the fact that you were so tired as a compliment. Plus you're pretty cute when you're sleeping. I only just fell asleep myself."

"But Janie I didn't get to take care of you." Maura pouted.

Jane nuzzled into Maura with a happy grin. "I told you could take care of that when you woke up. But you don't have to."

"I do want to." Maura smirked as she began trailing kisses over the parts of Jane's body that she could reach from her position. "But to really do what I want you're going to have to let me up." Even being held down she still managed to get Jane's bra off.

"Oh? I dunno if that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make at the moment." Jane chuckled.

"Trust me it's worth it," I will make you feel better than you've ever felt before Jane Rizzoli. By the end of the night you will be calling my name.

"I trust you." Jane said softly as she loosened her grip on Maura.

Maura smirked and kissed Jane long and hard. She moved down to her neck sucking and nibbling at the spot where her neck met her shoulder.

Jane could feel the wetness pooling between her thighs. "You're going to be the death of me."

"I promise if you die from this you'll have died a happy woman." Maura mumbled barley lifting her lips away from the woman beneath her. "You know, you have a magnificent body, I really like the way you look in my bed."

"I like the way you look on top of me." Jane breathed out trying to focus.

Maura kissed over Jane's stomach. "That's good. I enjoy being on top of you." she said just before sliding off of the other woman. She kissed Jane's inner thigh. Maura grinned deciding to mark Jane in that place as well.

Jane moaned. "You're killing me Maura. Please."

"Patience Janie" Maura said as she tugged at the black boy shorts Jane was still wearing. She threw them to the side. she smells good. I can't wait to taste her. Maura licked Jane's wet folds slowly.

The detective couldn't prevent her hips from rising to try and meet the blonde's mouth. "Please don't tease." She begged.

"I won't" Maura said as she began lapping at the brunette. She felt Jane's hand tangle through her hair. Jane's moans were incredibly loud. She moaned against her swollen clit as she brought one hand up to enter her wetness. The other hand reached out for Jane to hold. Maura set a fast pace.

Jane had never felt anything as good as what Maura was doing to her. She could feel everything spinning out of control as she tried to hold off on her release but she could tell that it was going to happen soon.

"Maura." Jane groaned "Oh god... I'm co..." her hips raised one last time and she held onto Maura's hand as if it were the only thing keeping her anchored to the world. She collapsed on the bed breathless and heavy lidded.

Maura crawled on top of Jane. She sucked the left over juices off of her fingers so that Jane could watch.

"That." Jane practically purred. "Was amazing." She once again wrapped her arms tightly around the medical examiner.

"I'm glad you thought so."

I can't believe this is real. I must be dreaming. This entire week has just been a dream there is no way this woman is really holding me right now. Maura closed her eyes and listened to the rhythm of Jane's heart.

"You okay Maur?" Jane asked softly.

"I'm great." Maura smiled. "As long as you're here I'm great."

"Well I don't plan on going anywhere."

Maura giggled. She makes me feel like a teenager in love. This is positively silly. "We should sleep."

Jane yawned. "You're probably right. We have still got a bastard to catch tomorrow after all."

Maura nodded. "Are you comfortable like this?"

Jane nodded. "Are you?"

"Very." I've never been more comfortable in my life. No one has ever wanted to hold me afterwards before. Even people I've considered tender lovers always preferred having space afterwards. Maura yawned. Sleep. I'll just sleep and enjoy everything about this.

Maura felt like she'd gotten the best sleep she'd had in ages when Jane's phone woke her up the next morning. She smiled at the fact that they'd remained in the same position they'd fallen asleep throughout the night. Maura picked up the obnoxious device that had brought her out of her sleep because she could Jane wasn't waking up.

"Hello?" she answered groggily.

"Doc?" Frost replied sounding surprised. "Where's Rizzoli?"

Maura blushed. "She's asleep. What can I help you with Frost?"

"Right. We got a lead on our guy. Wake her up and get her to the station."

"Alright. We'll be there soon." Maura hung up before he asked more about why she'd been the one to answer the detective's phone. "Jane." she gently shook the brunette. "Janie wake up."

Jane groaned. "I don't want bunny pancakes."

"Jane, Frost called. Wake up." Maura tried again.

"Frost called?" Jane asked groggily. "Shit. What did Frost have for us?"

"He said they got a hit on your guy." Maura smiled and rolled off of Jane.

"Yes!" Jane grinned. "Maybe we'll be able to wrap this case up by tonight."

"I hope so." I want to be able to take you out. I want to be able to have you here in the evenings or be with you. I want to spend many nights making love to you. "We should hurry"

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