Chapter 18

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[A/N] I hope you love it!!
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Now that Jo is here I just need to bring Watson and I'd practically be moved in. I've got enough clothes here. Oh god, I can't move in with her. I'm not ready for that. We aren't ready for that. Are we?

"You know you can tell me what's on your mind." Maura said snuggling further into Jane's chest. They were lying together in bed Maura was on top of Jane.

"How could you possibly know something is on my mind?"

"You were doing this on my back" Maura practically purred as she traced a nonsense pattern on Jane's shoulder, "But then you got a look and you stopped."

"Oh." Jane sighed. "I was thinking..."Jane frowned. "I was thinking that I'm practically living here."

"Oh." Maura echoed.

"I mean... I like being with you every night. It's really nice, and your place is more spacious than mine so it makes sense that I move in with you but... I don't know if I'm actually ready for that." Jane kissed Maura's forehead. "We've only been dating for like a month."

Maura thought about it. "Well then we won't move in together. You'll keep your apartment until we're ready for that step. You don't have to stay here every night if you don't want to."

"I like it a lot." Jane said softly. "I like waking up next to you and holding you when I fall asleep at night."

"I like that too." Maura admitted. "I also like that we eat breakfast together. And that we can just sit on the couch and watch television together. But do you want to know what I'd like right now?" Maura whispered into Jane's ear.

Jane couldn't help but shudder. "What?"

"Right now, I'd like to make love to my very sexy girlfriend." Maura kissed Jane's neck. "I mean she is already naked and underneath me."

"Mmm I think that can be arranged rather easily." Jane flipped them with a grin "But I get to be on top."

Jane kissed Maura slowly. "You know." She mumbled "I really love the way you taste." She worked her way down to Maura's breasts and captured a pert nipple with her mouth. Her right hand cupped her other breast and began kneading. Maura arched into the touch.

Jane grinned as she left Maura's chest and kissed her way down Maura's stomach. Maura groaned at the slow pace. "You're a tease."

"You love it."

Maura gave a pout but it didn't last long as Jane continued moving downward. Jane kissed the inside of the blonde's thigh glancing up at her lover. "You're getting awfully impatient Maura."

"Please Jane... I don't think I can wait much longer." Her face was flushed "Please."

"I love it when you beg." Jane chuckled. Maura was about to reply but the words were replaced with a loud moan as Jane drew her tongue over Maura's clit. Jane continued her slow pace for awhile allowing Maura's orgasm to build gradually.

"Jane" Maura sobbed out as the detective pushed two fingers into Maura's warmth.

Maura. The brunette looked up at the blonde. She had her head thrown back her pleasure was obvious and Jane couldn't help but smirk a little bit before concentrating on what she was doing.

God she tastes good. I could do this every night and I don't think I'd ever get tired of the way she tastes. She felt Maura begin to clench around her. She's going to scream. Jane wanted to grin again but she knew that even the slightest change at that point could either push the blonde over the edge or her orgasm would slip away completely.

Maura didn't disappoint. She bucked hard as Jane sent her freefalling over the edge of bliss.

Maura felt breathless and heavy as Jane made her way back up her body to give her a heated kiss.

"You know if you leave me like this every..." Maura yawned. "time, then I'm never going to be able to..." another yawn. "please you in return." Her eyelids felt heavy. "how am I so tired after one orgasm?"

"It's been a long day and it looked like a pretty intense orgasm to me. Don't worry about me tonight Maura we'll just wake up early tomorrow." Jane kissed Maura on the forehead then rolled them over so that Maura was once again lying on top of her, "I love you."

"I love you too." Maura mumbled falling into a gentle slumber. Jane followed shortly after.

"I'm home." Jane called from the doorway. "Maura?"

"I'm in the kitchen." Maura replied.

Jane came in and kissed her wife and child. "How are my two favorite girls today?"

"Mommy." The little blonde girl cheered reaching out for the detective.

"Hey baby girl." Jane took the girl out of her highchair and tickled her belly.

"How was work?" Maura asked as she put the finishing touched on the salad she'd been making.

"It was okay, paperwork only which is boring." Jane smiled and spun a little with the girl in her arms. "No bad guys to catch today."

The little girl giggled when her mother nuzzled her nose against her cheek. "I was kind of glad. I mean it did mean I got to come home to you two on time. And I'm officially off call for the weekend. So it's just going to be us."

"perfect. We can all go to the park together tomorrow, then on Sunday we can go to the museum" Maura smiled then she leaned in to whisper in Jane's ear. "And at least once we'll let Angela babysit so we can have some us time."

"That does sound perfect."

Jane woke up smiling but it didn't linger long. What am I doing, dreaming about a family with her already? It's only been a month. Only a month, and I'm scared to make the move in official even. I can't be imagining a family already. Jane sighed and looked at the woman lying next to her. I can't have family. not like that. even if I wanted one. I wouldn't be a good cop if I was constantly worried about a child as well as Maura. I can't have a family.

Maura woke up when Jane shifted their position . "You're awake. You should be asleep. It's too early." She mumbled curling back into Jane's side. "You woke me up. I was having a good dream."

"I was too before I woke up."

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

"You're right it's too early. Go back to sleep Maura." Jane smiled at her.

She watched Maura fall asleep but she couldn't get back to sleep. Are we moving too fast? It's not like we just met or something. We've known each other for years. And it's not like these feelings haven't been here for awhile.

Jane sighed. As she struggled to clear her head and fall asleep again. It took almost an hour but she eventually her mind gave up and sleep came.

The next morning Jane was reluctant to wake up. It took a lot of coaxing from Maura before she opened her eyes.

"Are you alright Jane?" Maura asked kissing Jane's forehead. "You don't look ill."

Jane bolted upright out of bed. "Oh god tell me that again in a couple of minutes."

Jane covered her mouth and rushed for the bathroom. Maura was quick to follow she pulled Jane's hair out of the way.

"Maybe you shouldn't go in to work today. I'm sure frost can handle anything that might happen."

Jane groaned as her stomach lurched a second time. Maura rubbed soothing circles on Jane's back.

She was visibly more pale than she had been a few moments ago. Jane stood and grabbed her toothbrush. "I'm fine. It was probably the spring roll from last night."

"If you're sure." Maura looked at her doubtful. "I still think you should stay home today."

Jane was about to disagree again when a third round of bile rose in her throat. She nodded at Maura letting her know that she would stay home.

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