Chapter 15

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[A/N] I might not be able to update as much as before. I have a lot of stuff going on and school is starting again on monday! But anyway, hope you like it!
Love you all!!!:*

Maura's phone rang loudly only second before Jane's she clumsily reached for it. "Isles" she groaned a little rolling off of Jane. They'd only fallen asleep a few hours before. Maura shook the detective next to her but said nothing.

Jane growled at her phone but answered with a gruff "Rizzoli" at that point Maura tuned out and listened to the person on her own phone.

"Hey doc, we got a body"

Maura recognized Korsak's voice "Location?"

Korsak rattled off the location and hung up.

Jane frowned after hanging up. They both dressed quickly but quietly. Maura skipped her normally long morning routine so her hair was a little more wild than usual and she didn't look nearly as put together as usual when she and Jane arrived at the scene together. Jane on the other hand looked just as confident and focused as ever. Maura bit her bottom lip but released it before anyone else notice. Now is not an appropriate time to be turned on by your girlfriend. Maura reminded herself. And anyway we stayed up all night taking care of this problem. I need to focus.

"What have we got?" Jane asked Korsak attempting to cover a yawn. The sun was barely up. Maura couldn't help but notice that the normally husky timbre of Jane's voice seemed more intense than usual. Probably because she's still tired, god she sounds sexy. Maura was having trouble focusing despite knowing that she was following Korsak and Jane to where she knew a body was.

"Maura." Jane said bringing her back to reality.

"Oh. Sorry." She blushed and looked down at the body of what appeared to be a female teenager. "She's so young." Maura couldn't help but say. For Maura it had always been harder when they were young. Jane could hear the sadness in Maura's normally controlled tone.

"We'll catch the bastard that did this Maur. You just give us what you can." Jane put a comforting hand on her shoulder leaving it there longer than she usually did.

Maura looked up at Jane from her crouched position next to the body. "I know you will."

Korsak cleared his throat and looked at the two women curiously but he shrugged it off when neither said anything.

When they'd gathered as much information as they could from the crime scene they headed to the station.

Korsak watched curiously as Jane opened Maura's door for her before climbing into his own car and following her. He knew he'd seen the two women arrive together before but he also knew that he'd never seen Jane hold a door for anyone.

He was still thinking over everything when Jane approached him. "I'll save you the trouble of trying to find a tactful way of asking since I know that's not always your strong suit. Yes. We are together. Frost and my family already know. Ma and Frankie are cool with it Tommy will probably come around eventually. He's mostly mad Maura chose me over him. I don't need your approval or acceptance but I need to know that this doesn't change the fact that you've got my back."

"Of course it doesn't change that. I'm happy for you. I was wondering when you two would figure it out." He smiled and gave Jane a pat on the back like he'd done many times before. "You told Frost before me?"

"He figured it out on his own the first night of the Mallor case."Jane shrugged. "He's a good detective."

"He's good with it too right?"

"Yeah." Jane nodded. "But that's enough about me we have a homicide to solve."

Korsak agreed.

Maura was heading up to see Jane about lunch she was taking the when she heard the first whisper about her and Jane. She must have told Korsak. Maura thought knowing that telling Korsak anything was a good way to guarantee it would be common knowledge by lunch. She smiled thinking about Jane, until she heard more clearly what was being said about them

"I always knew that bitch was a dyke. And the M.E. is to pretty for her. I could show her a real good time." One of them laughed

"Rizzoli would rip your balls off if she heard you saying that shit." The other guy said.

Maura lingered behind them even though she could've easily passed them.

"I'd like to see her try. The day a woman bests me in a fight is the day I turn in my badge. Even a fuckin' dyke." He scoffed. "And after I knocked her down a peg or two I'd take the M.E. out and fuck her good and proper."

No wonder Jane denied her sexuality for so long. I've never heard anyone talk so poorly about her before. These men are absolutely vulgar. Maura had had enough of listening to the two men talk poorly about Jane. She was about to walk up and give her a piece of her mind when she felt an arm over her shoulder, "Frankie." She said softly. He looked just as angry as she felt. He must've heard that too.

"Hey douche bags you owe someone here an apology." He growled at the two officers that were only a few steps in front of them. They spun around quickly at Frankie's voice. "Maura is a lady and you don't talk about a lady like that. And you sure as hell don't talk about MY sister like that."

They looked scared. Frankie glared at them hard. "I don't hear you apologizing."

"Sorry Dr. Isles." The one that had been relatively silent throughout the part of the exchange she'd heard said first.

"Yeah sorry." The other said though it wasn't very sincere.

"Now get your asses out of here, if I hear you talking shit again Jane will hear about it as well as your superiors."

Maura smiled at Frankie. "You know you didn't have to do that."

"I did too. Jane woulda kicked my ass if I just let them talk about you like that." He grinned. "And you're family. Family takes care of each other."

Maura felt the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh come on Maura don't cry."

"Sorry... I can't seem to help it. I've never had a brother before."

Frankie laughed and gave Maura a half hug. "Let's go find Jane. That is where you were headed right?"

Maura nodded. "Yeah that's where I was headed."

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