I am just Poop

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You know that you've not been sleeping well when the toilet starts talking

Like Gosh you are so full of 💩!!

I'm sorry but I'm really tired of taking your 💩!

And you know I've taken a lot of 💩 but gosh man !!! What have you been eating !!! Your 💩 doesn't smell , it flat out stinks !!! MY Goodness!!!

I'll need a detox after this !!! Eeew  , think the detox will need GermX 🤢🤮...

Oi , move!!! I might clog up, regurgitate and throw up all your 💩!!!

Truth is I am 💩 kinda like a dung beetle ... born in 💩... my life is about 💩

Sad part is ... I'm the 💩 that even the dung beetle rejects ...

I'm 💩's 💩...

So like Ryan Reynolds  responded to ' get your 💩 together '

In saying ' No! That's not what you're supposed to do , keep that 💩 in the toilet , flush it and wash your hands and for get about it '

Really Jeff nobody thinks about where their 💩 goes after they've flushed it !

Well likewise do the same to me ... I'm the 💩 you wouldn't give two 💩s about !


Oi..  no I'm not even wothy of a flush ...

Ever gone camping? Yeah ! Treat me like that dump you took in the bush and walk away like that 💩 never happened ...


Jeff Where stories live. Discover now