I'm Ugly 3 (with A Twist)

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.... I'm what you throw away on purpose....
..... But found by accident...
... Like stumbling through your living room in the dark...
... You know the little things that matter...
The things people take for granted... Like breathing... You don't even think about it.... Like blinking....
I feel like those things
Like the word things...
A collective word for unnamed things
Maybe I've got my wires crossed...
Cause you'll never see me for my worth
Cause of physical flaws...
I know... I'm paper weight
Maybe I'm just lost
In my own thoughts
That I can't see things
Others do....
So  obsessed with detail... I slip on the silver lining.... On the windowpane...
The window for feeling pain is clear as day in blind eyes... opaque to the seeing is and a frame to foresight.... I strain senses in the optic nerve.... Oh look at me... I sound like I care ( eye care)
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder..
Is that why we strive to be observed?
Ha! I scof at thee
For I seek no approval ...
For i am Me...
Jeff... À Raven dark, black bird of the sky
I've got witt, I speak better than any handsome parrot... And memory serves me well like an elephant butler
I'm not a hustler
Nothing for money...
I grind for the unspoken and Over looked...
Yes... Yes.... That padawn takes Understanding....
Oh Edgar... The darkness we see is light...
If only the blind could see the bright.

Jeff Where stories live. Discover now