Anything For You

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note: so like u know that scene where they're at hidgen's and paul needs a drink to CaLm DoWn or whatever lmao basically this is based off of that night that they spent at hidgen's home!!

Emma ran her hand over the wall until the light switch was under her hand. In the dark she couldn't see them, but from memory the one she needed on was the third so she slid her finger over and flipped on what light she believed to be correct.

A sudden light illuminated the tiny kitchen, and Emma heard a small, quick gasp from the table. After her eyes adjusted, she saw Paul seated at the counter with a glass of milk in front of him.

Emma rubbed her eyes. "Hi." She said quietly.

Paul looked at her and smiled faintly. "Hello."

Emma, being familiar with Hidgen's home, grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it up with water from the kitchen tap. She stood there for a moment, taking a quick sip before peering next to Paul. "Mind if I-?"

"Oh, yeah, please, sit down." He said hurriedly, shuffling over a little bit.

Emma took a seat next to him and looked at him from the corner of her eyes. They hadn't known each other long, but she had a feeling her and Paul would be stuck with each other for a lot longer.

"You were in the dark?" Emma questioned, attempting to start a quiet conversation.

"I didn't want to disturb anyone." Paul said, his voice only slightly louder than a whisper. "I just used my phone for light."

"Ah." Emma nodded, and took another drink of water. "Why are you up?"

Paul smiled down at the glass of milk in front of him. "I'm not a good sleeper, honestly. I don't drink often so, hangover, if you could call it that?"

Emma laughed quietly. "Oh, hardly." She looked at him and held up her glass. "Quiet cheers?"

Paul rose his glass and clinked it gently against hers. "To a horrible musical world." He smiled.

"Amen." Emma replied, and looked around the familiar room. She hadn't been to Hidgen's house in a long time, but not much had changed.

Moments had passed before Emma felt her eyes begin to droop. She looked at the clock and shook her head slightly at the time. "It's late." Emma pointed out, her voice startling Paul a bit. She gestured towards the clock on the wall, which read 2:36am. "I'm gonna go back to bed."

Emma stood up from her seat and grabbed her glass. She smiled at Paul awkwardly before walking away to her room. She turned around quickly, and noticed Paul was looking at her. "Goodnight." She whispered. "Light on or off?"

"Off." Paul replied, and soon the room was in engulfed in darkness again. "Goodnight Emma." He whispered.

Emma smiled to herself, perhaps blushing slightly, and guided her way back to her room.


Hidgen's only had three spare rooms. Ted had already passed out on the couch, so while Paul and Ted took two separate rooms, Charlotte offered to share with Emma. "We're both girls." The lady had pointed out. "It'll be like a sleepover!"

Emma was keen to say no, even though she wouldn't have anywhere to sleep, but of course the kind smile and hopefulness from Charlotte couldn't dare her to refuse.

Emma lay awake in the bed and stared at the clock. It was almost 4am now, but there was no way she was going to be able to sleep. Charlotte was sound asleep beside her, snoring peacefully. Occasionally she would mumble in her sleep, but that wasn't the reason Emma was still awake.

She tried to close her eyes, to force sleep to take over, but no matter how hard she prayed, it just wouldn't happen. Emma sighed into the darkness, before carefully moving out of the bed, her pillow under one arm and her other arm free to follow along the walls.

She walked quietly, attempting to not let anyone hear her. She arrived at what she thought was the correct door and opened it quietly.

Paul jumped from his bed, and adjusted his glasses to seem Emma in his doorway.

"Hi." She said nervously. "I, um, can't sleep."

Paul folded his book gently and put it beside him on the table. "Me too." He said slowly.

Emma looked around before remembering her pillow under her arm. "Would it be okay if I, um, stayed in here?" She asked, trying to ignore at how awkward she was coming across as. "Charlotte is a loud snorer." She added quickly.

Paul smiled at her. "Oh, yeah, of course." He shuffled over slightly, and folded back the blankets neatly.

Emma plopped herself down and looked ahead. It hadn't even occurred to her that Paul was also awake at the godly hour. "Can't sleep either?" She asked, gesturing towards his book and lamp.

Paul smiled. "Too much to think about." He commented.

"Fair enough." Emma smiled back at him.

The silence in the air grew awkward, until Paul looked at the girl next to him. "Do you want me to, uh, put a pillow between us or-"

Emma held back a giggle. "It's fine." She smiled, appreciating his kindness.

"Okay. Well, uh, goodnight Emma." Paul whispered, flicking off the lamp and putting his glasses away.

"Goodnight Paul." She replied quietly, snuggling into the warm covers. It was cold, and she couldn't help but want to curl right up next to Paul for the extra bit of warmth.

Soon, sleep took over, and Emma's thoughts vanished as she fell into a deep sleep.


Emma was first to wake up. Usually when she was awake, she would get out straight away, but there was this warmth that was holding her back, literally.

Throughout the night, she realised Paul and her had come together closer in the bed, and his arm was now draped over her waist and his head was tucked behind her neck.

She blushed. Now would not be a good time to move, but she also knew she was ready to get up. Very slowly, very carefully, she slipped out of his grasp but the moment she was no longer touching him, Paul slowly woke up.

He blinked his eyes and looked at his position, then up to where Emma stood next to the bed. "Oh, hi." He greeted her quietly.

Emma couldn't help but blush again. He had major bed hair and a floppy smile, and his pajama shirt had risen to reveal what looked like a decent pair of abs to Emma. "Morning." She mumbled, turning away quickly.

Paul quickly rose to his feet. He reached out for his glasses, putting them over his eyes. When he turned around and focused on Emma, he smiled.

Her hair was very curly, something he had never seen before on her. Paul was a fan of curly hair, and for some reason this sent a wave of butterflies off in his stomach.

Emma turned around again and stood around awkwardly. "Thanks for letting me stay in here last night." She smiled softly.

"Of course." Paul said a little too fast, and blushed. "It was no problem." Of course what he really wanted to say was 'anything for you', but he wasn't sure how that one would play out.

He walked over to the closed door and noticed Emma had followed him from behind and they stood very close. He reached out for the doorknob, but Emma grabbed his wrist and pulled it down.

All of the sudden Emma had turned him to face her, and she stood on her tippy-toes and quickly connected their lips softly. Paul immediately kissed her back, even though he was completely shocked by the suddenness of the whole thing.

Emma pulled away and smiled at him, before quickly opening the door and slipping out, closing it straight afterwards behind her.

Paul stood there, staring at the door with a look of pure starstruck on his face. That was certainly not the morning he had planned, but there was no way he would take it back.

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