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note: i am really proud of this 🥺

Emma looked up from her position on the couch, turning her head towards Paul. He was at the small island in the kitchen, humming along to a soft tune. In that moment, he looked so happy and Emma blushed as she stared at him. But then she realised something, Paul didn't really like music that much. Of course he hated musicals, but even normal songs ended up giving him a headache.

He sat there with his laptop in front of him, his fingers tapping across the keyboard in sync to his song. If Paul liked this song so much, Emma wanted to know so she could listen to it every day until she died.

"Whatcha humming?" Emma asked him, and Paul looked up at her from his work.


Emma squinted at him. "You were just humming. What song?"

"Oh, I don't know." Paul shrugged. "Must have heard it on the random. It's been on my mind all day though, kinda random."

"Huh." Emma replied, trying to figure out if she'd heard it before. "Carry on." She gave him a distracted smile before turning her attention back to the show she had been watching.

Paul returned to his work but he lost the song, and didn't think about it for the rest of the night.

As they focused on their own things as the time ticked by, Emma suddenly let out a loud yawn and covered her mouth sleepily. Paul looked over at her and grinned. "Go to sleep, Em."

She shook her head insistingly before she yawned again, and suddenly felt extremely tired. "Fine." She huffed, aiming the remote towards the TV to turn it off. The screen engulfed into darkness and the only light was the small one above Paul in the kitchen. Emma sat up and stretched before making her way over to Paul, and she wrapped her arms around his neck from the back and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. "Night babe."

"Love you, Em. Sleep well." Paul said back, bringing his hand up to hers and gave it a small squeeze. He let her go as she walked off towards the bedroom, and smiled to himself softly.

Emma quickly changed into some warm pajama's before flopping onto the bed, wrapping the sheets around her as she drifted off into a deep sleep.

Soon, she stuck in a dream. Her eyes adjusted slowly, to bright blue and green lights flickering around her. Emma's head flung around side to side, trying to figure out where she was. There a door in front of her a few metres away, and she walked closer to it, she noticed there was a window through it. Her hand grabbed the doorknob but it wouldn't open, so she got up on her toes and peered out the window.

And there she stood with Paul, who had some type of blue slime dripping from his mouth. He swirled around the other Emma in his hand, who screamed out for help in pain. Emma's heart dropped as she looked through the window at the scene and tried to make sense of it all, until Paul started singing.

The other Emma cried out and limped around, trying to escape the musical Paul. Emma listened harder and noticed it was the song the real Paul had been humming earlier. She tried to focus on the lyrics while she watched the two dance on the other side of the window, and she mouth was wide opened.

"I'm still the man you trust." The Paul sang out loudly, twirling around the other Emma who had tears flying from her face. "It's inevitable..."

Emma hit the glass on the window and yelled out for them to stop. She noticed a few figures behind them and as they came closer, Emma saw they were people she knew in real life, like Nora, Professor Hidgen's and Paul's friends. The infected Paul turned towards the smile and grinned at her, facing the other Emma to her too, who's face mimicked hers in pure horror.

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