♫-Some Assembly Required Ch2 Pt2-♫

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Y/n- your name
L/n- last name
(H/c)- hair color
(E/c)- eye color

(A/N: new writing style, apologies for the sudden change)


Training Deck | First POV: Yours

Coran had made everyone except Lance go up in the control room. Apparently we are doing an invisible maze exercise.

"To form Voltron, you must trust in each other," Coran explained in the mic, "This ancient paladin maze will teach you just that, trust. Your teammate can see the walls, but you cannot. So, listen carefully. If you touch the walls, you'll get a slight shock."

I saw Lance put on his helmet, 'I wonder who's his—', I look to my side, 'uh oh.'

"Wait. Who's guiding me though?" Lance asked, confused.

"Take two steps forward," Kieth said, answering Lance's question.

Lance deflated, "Oh no. Not Kieth. Why does he get to be the man on the mic? Why couldn't it be y/n? Or Shiro? Anyone but Kieth," He complained, I sighed.

"Now, just sit tight. You'll get your turn," Coran reassures.

"Like I said, take two steps forward, turn right, and take three steps that direction," Kieth said as he looked like he was concentrating.

'If I know anything about Lance is that he can't take that many orders at once, then again I'm not one to talk,' I think as I start to worry about the outcome of this.

Lance took three steps forward and walked into a wall causing him to be electrocuted.

He screamed as he recovered he yelled, "You did that on purpose!!" He blamed.

"You're not listening," Kieth said as I mute the conversation out.

Turns out Lance never got out of the maze and Kieth was a bit mad for 'losing'.
Pidge and Hunk did pretty well only had a little bit of mistakes here and there because of Hunk's nervousness to lead, but Pidge was patient, surprisingly, and found the exit.
Shiro and I did the best, at least that's what Coran said, we only messed up once or twice, and with Shiro leading I was able to get out of the electric maze, much to my pleaser.

I don't think getting shocked would help me with my wounds.

Time Skip | Outside

We were all flying our lions in formation, waiting for Coran's orders.

"You'll never be able to form Voltron unless each of you has a strong bond with his lion," Coran stated, "For you, y/n, this exercise is very helpful for you so you could be able to connect to everyone easier."

"That's good to know!" I said cheerfully.

"And it's going to be no problem!" Lance said confidently, "Me and Blue are best buds for life, for real."

"Blue?" I asked.

"It's my lion's name!! Cool right??"

"Yeah," I answered as I thought for a bit, 'Lion's name, huh?'

I muted myself from the others, "Do you want a name too?" I asked my lion.

I felt a purr of correction.

"How about, Lily?" I asked.

I felt a disapproving purr.

"No? Ok, how about, Akira?"

Disapproval purr.


Disapproval purr.

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