♡︎-The Rise of Voltron Ch1 Pt1-♡︎

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Y/n - your name
L/n - last name
(E/c) - eye color
(H/c) - hair color
(F/d) - fav. drink
(This is my fist real story/fanfic/whatever)


Narrator POV

"Roll out, donkeys!" Yelled Iverson as four candidates, Lance McClain, Hunk Garett, y/n l/n, and Pidge Gunderson all walked out of the simulator then stood infront of him.

"Let's see if we can use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest of you students." Iverson spoke out "Can anyone point out the mistakes these four so-called cadets made in the simulator?"

All four 'so-called cadets' all had their heads down in disappointment. 'Man this is embarrassing. What would mother say about this?' Thought cadet y/n with a slight blush.

"The engineer puked in the main gearbox." Exclaimed a student.

"Yes. As everybody knows, vomit is not an approved lubricant for engine systems." Iverson turned towards Hunk who was surprised by the upper level's yelling. He then turned back to the students who watched the group fail. "What else?"

"The comm spec removed his safety harnesses" stated a student.

"The co-pilot didn't do his job!"

"The pilot crashed" yelled another student with their hand in the air.

'No duh the ship didn't crush! If it didn't, then I would be out and having (F/d)' y/n thought with his head looking at his feet.

"Correct" stated Iverson "And worst of all, the whole jump, they're arguing with each other." Iverson turned to the cadets, pissed.

"Heck, if you're going to be this bad individually, you'd at least be able to work as a team! Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite asteroexplorers, but these kinds of mantle mistakes are exactly what cost the lives of the men on the Kerbos Mission."

'Uh oh, Iverson crosses the line there' y/n thought as he glanced at Pidge worriedly.

He has been friends with Pidge for as long as he can remember. He knew that Pidge was a girl, that her real names was Katie, that her own brother and father were on that mission. Not only Pidge's brother and father were on that mission but also a good friend of y/n's was also on that mission too, a family friend that is.

Pidge obviously got mad at what Iverson said and was about to explode. "That's not true, sir!" Called out Pidge.

"What did you say?" Iverson asked in an intimidating way.

Y/n was fast enough to put a hand on Pidge's mouth but not fast enough to think of an excuse.

'Pidge I swear to god of you say more, We. Are. Dead.' Y/n thought nervously as he sweat dropped a bit.

Luckily Lance came to the rescue and talked for y/n. As y/n gave Pidge a 'say-a-word-and-we're-dead' look.

"Sorry, sir. I think he hit his head when he fell out of his chair" Lance said as he stood infront of y/n and Pidge. "But point taken"

Iverson started to talk again, "I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here is that the best pilot in your class had a discipline issue and flunked out"

At this point y/n had removed his hand from Pidge's mouth and was standing straight again.

"Don't follow in his footsteps" Iverson said.

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