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Vanoss's POV
"boost me up man"
i told brock
"what Evan ur not serious are you"
he said shocked
"dude that child gonna die come on" i said he grabbed my hips helping me up i used the upper body strength that i had to pull myself up the tiles of the building towards the child
don't look down
don't look down
i pleaded with myself closer to the screaming child he had tears streaming down his face any child would in his situation he opened his eyes staring at me. immediately fueled by the thought of his safety i started to climb faster til i was close enough to reach him
"hey little guy i gotchu okay" i spoke softly,his soft cries as i held out my hand to him he immediately latched on i pulled him close almost losing balance i grasped the burning railing coughing slightly from the smoke i ignored my pain as i clutched onto the small weeping child looking down i could see the crowd of people i continue to ignore my pain as i i started to adjust the two of us till he was hanging on my back i still kept a steady arm around him in order to ensure he wouldn't fall off i started to climb down feeling the blisters starting to form on my burnt hand he was still weeping a little but also coughing from the amount of smoke he had to consume, i could feel his hands heated, he must of been suffering while waiting for help as soon as i knew we were close enough i leapt off landing on my feet his mother pulled me and her son into a solid hug, sobbing thanks she pulled away as i gave her, her son back she wiped her tears as she softly spoke "this is a poor neighborhood we tried calling the police department so many times but they couldn't come i thought my baby was doomed thank you sir" i felt a sense of pride and sadness knowing what it felt like, growing up in the poorest part of los santos was tough i pity her and the whole community before a another thought filled my mind "do you know if there is anyone else" he shook her head unsure before a man stepped in "thank you for ur help sir but we cleared everybody else out when in started, lost track and this little guy probably slipped from our heads until we heard him crying" the man spoke i nodded the child now sleeping tears stained his rosy cheeks the thought shattered my heart knowing the pain he had just experience
i was pulled from my thoughts when brock's voice spoke
"dude what the hell you just turned fuckinh spider man mode, are you alright" he asked his mom mode kicking into overdrive
"yeah, idk what came over me we should probably start heading out i said as we started walking away, many people still praising me ect, we finally saw fire trucks speeding this way once we got in the car we were silent having not saying a word just allowing our thoughts to consume us
ur a hero
no i'm not
before i knew it, we were in front of our work sighing i stood up as i grabbed the door handle to shut it i hissed in pain having forgot my hand pulling it back i could see the skin bubbled from the heat
"shit" i hissed brock spiriting towards me "damn dude, let's get u inside and clean that" i nodded following him
we made small talk as we made our way inside towards our cubicle brock was cleaning the burn when we heard
"so you guys come back an hour and half later, you better have some great excuses i sure would love to hear" we turned towards another one of corporates Matt "uhh well uh Matt we didn't get any info because-"i said before i was caught off by Matt
"then why the hell would i have send you two down there in the first place" he said his voice dripping with venom
"wait a minute listen here Matt, Evan here is a fuckinh hero he just climbed a fuckinh five story building risking his life in order to save another so before you try and go off on the two of us i suggest you let me clean up his wound first" brock sneered back Matt wide eyed and even more angry "i don't give a damn about saving another life if it has no help in this company, i could have the both of you fired right now if i wanted to" he yelled i feared for what was gonna happen next knowing brock won't back out of this fight so easily
"oh yeah Matt go ahead fire me and Evan right now i'd like to see this unit of ur stupid fucking company without the two of us cuz the way i see it me and Ev work our asses off slaving away at this stupid supposed 9-5 job everyday but you wanna know something better we never leave at our time no instead we sit at our desk typing away for an extra 3 fuckinh hours for no extra money barely make any to get by so go ahead fire us" brock screamed the whole floor silent now hearing the fight that was going on between Matt and Brock, Matt's eyes pure red without hesitation he growled
"get out of my building and never come back"
oh ahahahah

Staring down a Loaded gun (h2ovanoss) Where stories live. Discover now