friday nights

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Vanoss's POV
i adjust my jacket one last time giving myself a quick check in the mirror to make sure i'm some what presentable, content with my appearance, which consisted of a red jacket black shirt and black jeans, i walk downstairs where brock was waiting for me, "well look at you all dressed, what's the deal" he asked with a smirk present on his face
"nothing, just thought i'd change it up a little bit" i said shrugging my shoulders
he nodded content with my answer before we headed out
"uber shouldn't be too far away by now" brock said looking down at his cell phone i nodded
the bar David wanted to meet us at was one the north side of town, filled with the higher ups who basically run los santos, so i didn't worry too much about any crime that could occur, we finally made it to the bar where we were greeted by a hug each from David "hey glad you could make it Ev, i that for sure ye were gonna flank on us" he joked i elbowed him playfully "well drinks on you so i thought i'd pay a visit" i said we continued small talk mostly about work and what the future has in store for us, we took a seat at the bar all order a glass of beer to start off the night, "so David what exactly is ur job" i asked he was caught off guard with my question making me more curious "yeah i don't think you ever told me" brock added, i could see david fiddling with his pocket on his jacket "well uh, you know i'm kind of like a driver for my um boss, yeah" he stuttered,
his response was a bit off for me making me feel slightly uneasy "oh who do you work for" i asked seeing how far i could get in questioning his job "a private company can't really talk about it much" he embarrassingly chuckled, i hummed in response deciding i asked enough, didn't want to over step my barriers.
our night continued eventually leaving us with a very drunk David me and brock both holding an arm of his as he tossed and turned from one of our sides to the other, walking down a very dark ally to the nearest gas station we could find, we wound up by a street lamp taking a break to pull out my shitty cell phone to call a uber,
"jesus i bet this was his reason of asking us" brock grumbled, brock also slightly stumbling over his steps, i was the only responsible one and decided after two glasses i was good to go
"don't sweat it, i'll call for a-" my sentence was yet again cut off but this time by a scream of bloody murder, it echoed seemingly bounce off each streets, i check each direction searching for a owner of the scream i couldn't see very well but three shadows and cries for help, i lean david against the street lamp
"brock watch him" i say in a hurry as i take off towards the shadows i was met with a women holding a man in her arms sobbing "please he's-he's been shot" she cried applying pressure
i could see a man running not knowing if i should stay or help, i made the quickest decision i could i tossed her my cell phone and took off in the direction of the man running
my heart was pounding in my chest my legs aches as i desperately was trying to catch up to the culprit, i knew in the pit of my stomach this could potentially be a mistake and i could end up in the same condition as the man shot on the ground, but my continued running he turned a corner right behind him, we both wound up in a dead end he stopped i could see in the dark he was searching for an escape, hands shaking i darted towards him tackling him to the ground he definitely had me on height and weight but i gave it a shot despite those qualities, the gun in his cold hands was kicked to the side, i threw a punch straight towards his jaw, he took hold of my side roughly shoving me out of the way i scrambled towards the gun ignoring the burning sensation from his hand, i grabbed it pointing it towards him, my chest was heaving despite to get any sort of air inside my lungs, his slowly raised his hands "listen to me kid, put the gun down, you don't know what ur doing" he tried telling me i shook my head cocking the gun my finger on the trigger ready to pull at any moment "doesn't matter i know he didn't deserve to be shot" i yelled back
he chuckled slowly approaching me hands still raised he was right in front of me, he was a older man pale skin brown eyes dressed in dark clothing almost as if he was targeting that guy he pressed his head against the gun "go ahead cutie i'd like to see you shoot" he said, in the distance i could hear an ambulance, i recognized his voice but unable to put a face to it,
my mind was having a battle on if i should shoot him or not but also wondering who he was.
it was almost as if the universe made my answer for me he was grabbed and body slammed to the ground i gasped taken back by the abrupt action, i fell to the ground gun fallen from my hands i went to grab it but was stopped by a foot
"i'll be taking over from here kid" a deep voice spoke i looked up and was met with a guy with a red mask eyes crossed out he had a red sweater with horns as he lean down and took the gun i turn and saw another guy as he was tying up the culprit he was wearing a blue hoodie and a hockey mask, he grabbed forcing him to his feet followed by him throwing him in the back of a black van he then slammed the door shut and turn towards me he slowly walked towards me until he was in front of me leaning down so we were eye level with one another i gulped scared knowing i could possibly be next
"here the deal, you forget about what happened and carry on, if not, well you already can see the possibilities of torture with this guy" he chuckled
"i-i didn't mean to-" i stuttered unable you form a sentence he grabbed my chin "no worries buttercup ur safe now get going alright" he said
caressing my cheek before pulling away laughing in such a evil way, his laugh sounded straight out of a horror film, he jumped on the side of the van tapping the top signaling to drive towards the driver
my hands were shaking i wrapped them around my body, i was terrified sitting down on the concrete the only light was the light provide by the moon and to top it off i forgot where i came from
What a night

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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