a fresh start

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Vanoss's POV
"i'm sorry" brock whispered as the two of us walked back to our pitiful house of the south side of los santos "it's okay, i hated that job anyway" i said giving him a small a smile he smiled back before returning his gaze down to his feet we both were dragging our feet along the pavement, we were two jobless nobodies. surprisingly i wasn't worried about no more income instead my thoughts remind on the events of earlier, that little boy and every person's face when i returned the boy safely to the ground that thought still circulated my brain.
ur a hero
stop saying that i'm not.
it was almost like brock read my mind
"that stunt u pulled earlier was something else Ev, how did you even know" he asked, i shrugged "it was just a gut feeling i guess" i heard brock's scoff as he rolled his eyes elbowing me slightly, "that was sick, i won't lie i didn't except that from you out of all people" he chuckled, i frowned "hey what's that suppose to mean" i crossed my arms his small chuckle soon turned into a full on laugh. "come on what u did was like batman shit it was seriously cool as fuck" he explained.
a hero huh
i chuckled at the thought,
"yeah right, me a hero, i just did what was right" i said honestly
i truly didn't know where the sudden urge to do the right thing came from honestly but it at least the child was safe now.
soon enough me and brock arrived home each going to our separate room's leaving each other to our own thoughts, the sun was barely setting but i was hit with a wave of tiredness i closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take over me with no resistance.
"now how did a little owlet like you whine up here for" spoke a voice
i could feel myself hyperventilating, gasping for air unable to due to a bag being wrapped around my head, "please i-i didn't mean any trouble just please i can't breath" i gasped tumbling over my words due to being so overwhelmed by so much in the moment
"ur speaking so u obviously have air in ur lungs" the voice said sternly i shut up immediately not wanting to anger said voice i felt a hand run up my waist scared of the worst to occur
"relax, these idiots always forget to pay down our victims, i just gotta make sure you aren't carrying anything" that made me feel slightly better but i remembered my ear piece excepting the worst.
"Evan wake up" i sat up rubbing my eyes groaning
what hell are dreams
i looked up at brock him staring back at me skeptical
"u were whimpering when i came in here, you good?" he asked
"yeah fine, what did you need" i asked
"David was wondering if you wanted to join us at the bar downtown tonight, apparently he got a promotion today at work so drinks on him" brock said
i thought about it before making my decision
"yeah why not"

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