Cute headcanons with [Rui]

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This would be GN!Reader

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This would be GN!Reader

Modern AU!

How did the both of you meet?

It's up to you how the two of you met,use your imagination and play around with it,but for the fun I'll input here on how [Reader] and Rui met:

• It was at fall,with Leaves turning into deeper red shades,some even fall on to the ground.

• [First name] smiled at their work,They have managed to gather around the fallen leaves to create a big pile of dead red leaves.

• Taking in a deep breath,they prepare themselves for what's coming...

• That is to jump into the pile of leaves,scattering all of their hardwork around on to the ground yet again.

• They emerged from the pile of leaves with smiles and laughter,completely ignoring other people stares

• Can't a person have fun without being judged?

• "what are you doing?" A gentle voice of a boy asked,his eyes filled with curiosity,his hand fiddling with the end of his jacket.

• "Having fun,Do you wanna join me?"
He's cute,really cute. With those unique moles on his face and the cute shy smile he wore really does things to your heart.

What was the frequent things that happened between both of you?

• Sleepover. Both of you and Rui would always sleep at each other houses,He would teach you how to play Cat's craddle while you would teach him how to comb his hair neatly.

• Keeping each others warm. Although Rui is not as sickly as he was before when he was still little,he easily caught flu if not careful. Because of this,you've developed a habit of keeping hin warm,giving your jacket to him when it's cold,holding his hand so that it wouldn't feel freezing,and just being a worried mama hen.

• Reminding the others about some event. Thank god that Rui had a very good memory, He save your ass because of how forgetful you tend to be. But sometimes [Very rare] he would forget a big event,and that's when you came to play.

A thing going on between each other that only the two knows?

• The two of you like to rate each other [Idk man I used to do this with my friend a lot 😂].

• Basically at the end of the week,the two of you would write each others a letter,basically just rating each others companies. Occasionally leaving a comment.

• To Rui:

Great listener,Kinda boring but funny at the same time?? Stop reading your book and play with me you cute boy.

11/10 (I gave you bonus point 'cause you're cute♡)

-[First name]

• To [First name]:

Very annoying,Forgetful,at least they make good cookies. Stop dragging me into your mess and study you brat.

9.5/10 (Your rating is originally 6 but I took mercy upon you ♡)


How do they annoy each other?

• Rui likes to tease you,a lot. He sometimes did it to see your reaction,or to distract you from stuff.

• You annoy him by bothering him when he's reading his book,the poor boy tries to hide but it was a fruitless attempt, you always seems to know where he is.

Who's the clingy one?

"[First name] Obviously."

He said while he is on their lap,with a book in his hands and his head leaning   on to their chest.

Bonus question:

If I was a worm would you still be my friend/ date me?

Rui: I'll feed you to the birds.

You: Well if I was also turned into a worm I'll still be with you,but if I don't well then that's a different scenario.

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