Breakfast Shenanigans with a Side of a Long Run

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(y/n)'s pov

"Good morning (f/n)-san," Yua said happily. 

"Morning," I said to all of them. 

"What were you doing this early (f/n)," Ichika asked.

"Just walking."

"I want five more minutes of sleep," Sakura mumbled as Yua tried waking her. I motioned for Yua to back up so I could try waking up the blonde.

"Hey Sakura I heard that cute setter from Karasuno is in to you," I whispered. She suddenly popped up and looked around only to realize I was kidding. "Gotcha," I teased then elbowing her side.

"Dang it (f/n)," she said then picking up her phone and taking a selfie for her snapchat streaks. "You must be a handful for your team you goofball."

Ichika along with the others had gotten dressed then asked, "Shall we all go to the cafeteria now?" We nodded as then leaving the room and making our way to the cafeteria.

"(F/n)-san!" A voice had called from behind and it belonged to Oikawa. The third year from aobajohsai ran to catch up and put his hands on my shoulders. "Sorry but I'll be stealing her during breakfast," He said from behind me. 

"Can I kick him," Ichika asked, making me laugh but when I had stopped laughing she seemed dead-serious and asked me again, "Can I kick him?"

"That's not very nice darling."

"Call me darling one more time and I swear to-"

"Have you already made enemies Oikawa," A light brown haired boy asked as he approached. 

"Of course not. That girl picked the fight," He said childishly as he pointed at Ichika. "(f/n) and I already agreed that she'd be joining me for breakfast." I nearly choked on nothing as he said that then I looked over at Ichika to see her expression. 'I'm in deep shit now.' 

"Promise I'll eat with you guys at lunch," I said nervously rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Sounds good (f/n)-senpai," Yua said happily. 

"I told you that you can just call me (f/n)," I reminded her but of course in a polite way. "I'll catch you girls later." Once my female friends had walked off I turned to Oikawa, "Next time you act stupid Ichika will definitely beat you up and I will not intervene." 

"I didn't even do anything to her," Oikawa said putting his hands up then remembering his teammate was there, "Oh yeah (f/n) this is..."

"Yahaba Shigeru," the boy finished, "You must be the girl Oikawa was talking about in the boys room this morning." I glared at Oikawa who put his hands up again.

"What did he say exactly?" 

"He was basically fan-boying over you," He said nonchalantly. 

I laughed at his comment and then said, "Okay well I'm hungry." The three of us walked into the cafeteria and made our plates (mine being more full than theirs)

"Are you really gonna eat all that (f/n)," Yahaba asked looking at me then at my plate. I had food stuffed in my mouth so I nodded in response. "Don't you worry about getting fat?" I shook my head.

After swallowing I mentioned, "I have a pretty high metabolism and get enough exercise where I don't have to worry." 

"What're we doing first," Oikawa asked as he scrolled through something on his phone.

"I don't know," I said as I finished up my food.

"The schedule says conditioning," Yahaba said as he took my plate and his to throw away.

"Thanks Yahaba."

"Hey you forgot mine," Oikawa pouted.

Yahaba came back and replied to Oikawa with, "I didn't forget yours." The two began to argue over that as I sat there and watched. 'I wonder if they still know I'm here. Eh they seem busy.' I got up from my seat and decided to get to the gym early. I entered to see the setters from Karasuno, Fukurodani, and Nekoma along with Sakura.

Sakura noticed me then waved, "(f/n)! Over here!" I made my way over to where Sakura was and she asked, "Sooo I noticed you were hanging out with that cute captain from Seijoh. Spill the tea." 

"There's no tea. I just had breakfast with them. No tea," I said just before drinking some water. 

Sakura gave me the look before saying, "Well sweetie I think he might like you but if you're not going after him I totally would." Right after her comment Oikawa and Yahaba had walked in and the two waved at me. I waved back only to get bugged some more by Sakura until my saviors, Yua and Ichika came. "Can't you guys totally see (f/n) with Oikawa?"

Yua looked like she was trying to picture it but Ichika immediately said, "She's too good for a playboy." We chatted for a little more on other topics before everyone was inside and the coaches told us that we were going to run first. The run would be around campus then through a nearby park and around campus one more time, finishing at the gym.The coaches were generous since it was our first time running the path and gave us 30 minutes to do it. If anyone didn't make it back in time we would all have to do extra drills. "(f/n) can you try to not leave us all in the dust?"

"I'll try but it's not my fault you're slow," I said sticking my tongue out and beginning to run before Ichika used me as a punching bag. I didn't pull away from the group but I stayed ahead of everyone else with Yua keeping up with me. "Hey Yua this is your first camp right? How are you liking it?" 

"It's been okay so far," Yua replied.

"Made any new friends?"

"I talked a little bit with that third year from Karasuno."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. He's a nice person." Yua and I continued chatting about food mostly until we got to the park.

"It's a public place so be aware of your surroundings Yua-san," I warned but in a motherly caring kind of way. "I don't need anything happening to my precious little kouhai," I said in a teasing manner.

"Hey! I'm only a year younger than you!" The two of us laughed as I took a quick glance back to see that we had pulled ahead. We looped around after a certain point and followed the path back out as Yua made some encouraging comments to the Karasuno setters and Ichika and Sakura. I gave Ichika and Sakura their own personalized sarcastic comments.

"Wow you two girls got back quick," one of the coaches said, "15 minutes to spare." Upon the last part the two of us high fived before she took a seat in the bleachers and drank her water. "If you two want you can go back out and help your temporary teammates out." 

I looked at the coach with confusion written all over my face, "Help?"

"We just said you guys have 30 mins. No one said you had the run the whole thing," Coach said right before heading back out to handle something.

"Is this a test," I asked Yua.

"I wouldn't know but my guess is that it is a test," she replied.

"Well do you wanna go back out?"

"I'm tired so I'll pass but you can go if you want."

"I think I will," I said before heading out, "I'll be back." Not long after leaving the gym I ran into a boy with blonde hair. 

"Why are you going back out," he asked. 

I stopped running for a moment to respond, "When I got back the coach recommended helping my teammates out. I think it's a test." 

"Oh cool. You better make it back in time."

"Don't worry. I'll be back in time," I said as I took off.

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