Popularity Comes With a Price

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Akaashi's pov

"What's with the all the noise," I said to myself, glancing towards the doorway.

"Probably a crowd hoping to meet (f/n)-san," the Tokoname high girl said from behind me. "After all she is one of the top setters and probably one of the best volleyball players."

"I guess that makes sense...by the way I'm Akaashi Keiji."

"Sasaki Ichika, nice to meet you." The girl put one hand on the door frame as she stuck her head out, "Yeah I'm not one for stuff like this."

I went behind her and looked, there was quite a handful of people there. "(f/n)-san," the blonde girl called from the other side of the gym. She had just gotten back from taking Sugawara to the infirmary. Ichika had walked back to her friend saying something that caused the girl to frown. (y/n) walked behind me quickly looking out the door than continuing on.

"I'll be right back," I said to Kenma who quietly said okay afterwards. (y/n) had already left through one of the other doors and so I began to make my way out in that direction. I exited the gym, continuing on the path.

"Oi, what are you doing out here," I heard ask. I jumped at first and then noticed she was sitting on the other side of the wall which lined the path. The girl had her back against the wall, one leg up and the other wrapped around. She was resting her arm on her knee, holding onto her phone which had earphones plugged in. "Want to answer the question," she said, bringing me back to reality. 

"I was just curious about where you went off to," I said resting my elbows on the wall, still standing, with my back facing her. We stayed there in silence for a few moments before I broke it, saying, "You're clearly well known."

"Unfortunately," she added, letting out a sigh. "I don't really like it to be honest." 


"Playing, the crowd, almost everything related to volleyball."

"But you're good at it-"

"And that's the problem." She interjected, I quickly glanced over my shoulder to see her plucking the grass. I turned back around and she continued, "Because I'm good, people develop expectations, but I'm worried that I won't meet them." From the sound I could tell she stopped taking parts of the grass. "Its just so hard for me to be put under this pressure," her voice had begun to crack. Just as I was about to turn to check on her she quickly stopped me, "Don't look-please." 

"Okay...I'm going to head back-" I suddenly felt something pressing on my shoulder. I turned slightly, just able to see a blur of (h/c), it was clearly (y/n). We stayed that way in silence until I quietly called her, "(f/n)..?" She lifted her head and I continued to follow her request to not look.

"Sorry," she quietly muttered. "I-"

I cut her off, turning around and pulling the girl into a hug. "You don't have anything to say sorry for," I whispered. She seemed a bit caught off guard at first but returned the hug. 

"Thanks...I needed this."

Shortly after, she heard the coaches beginning to make their way back to the gym so she broke the hug, smiled at me and then ran around to another entrance. I entered back in from where I originally left to look for (y/n). 

sorry for the short one! I wasn't too sure what to write but I wanted to get something out at least. Dw there should (hopefully) be more next chapter. Please comment who you'd like to see if there's anyone. byee~


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