Chapter 4

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(Clay's pov)

The one thing that always seemed to be able to calm me down was drawing. The Gilly's were nice enough to get me some art supplies. Pencils, pens, some paint, paper, along with some canvases. They'd been nice to me, I.. I wasn't used to it.
I sat on the bed that had dark blue sheets and picked up my pad of paper and a pencil.

I drew the outline of a body, just some guy that appeared in my mind. I wasn't great at art, but I like to think that I was pretty decent.
After doing the basic outline, I started to do the light shape of the clothing. Filling it out with shaper lines I went into more detail.
I'd given him a long flowing coat that went below his knees and I'd put him in jeans with a belt that had a skull buckle.

The face had taken me a while to get right though. I eventually got bored of the eyes and decided to put a pair of shades on him.
I must have zoned out while drawing cause there was a nock at the door that snapped me back to reality.
I got off the bed and opened the door. Dave smiled and told me that dinner was ready.

I nodded and followed him down. There was chatter coming from the kitchen as we aproached the door. Eva was talking with Olivia and Zander.
They were only kids, they could get hyper pretty quick. I ignored them most of the time. I took my seat as Eva was putting plates on the table.

Mr. Gilly, Brian walked in with a big smile on his face. He pecked his wife on the cheek and took a seat.
"You good kids?" He asked us.
I nodded a little while the others told him about their day.
"Clay," He said. "How was it?"
"I.. It was alright."
He nodded with a smile. He understood that I'm not much of a talker, so he didn't press it.
I silently thanked him and ate the food in front of me.

Eva had made meatloaf and a few other things that tasted just as nice. I was warming up to them, I couldn't deny that.
It's not that I'm not happy about that, I am. I.. It's just that I don't want to have to go through anymore pain like I'd previously suffered through.
I didn't want to have another dent in my trust issues.

After we'd all eaten we sat in the living room and watched a movie. It was a decent film about some guy that had to find this orb and take it someplace to stop the world from ending.
But I was tired so I was glad when it ended. I said goodnight to everyone and went back up to my room, closing the door behind me.
I stripped and put the picture I was drawing on my desk.
I turned the light off and climbed into bed, falling asleep pretty quickly.

All I needed to do now was wait for the nightmares to come for me, as a wolf stalks it's pray in the moonlight.


I woke up, sweating like mad as the nightmare retreated back to the shadows.
My heart was beating fast and I knew that panic was all over my face. The alarm on my desk was going off, telling me to get ready for school.
"Alright, get up." I told myself, not wanting to have to go back there.
But I got up, taking my clothes to the bathroom.

I showered and got dressed before brushing my teeth and using the toilet.
I grabbed my bag from my room and went downstairs to find Eva placing a plate of bacon and eggs on the table.
"Morning sweety." She smiled at me as I entered the kitchen. "Eat up, don't want to be late."
"Th-thank you." I said as I took a seat and began eating.
I was almost finished when Eli entered the kitchen, Zander clinging to her arm.
"Is your brother up?" Eva asked her.
"He's in the bathroom now." She said as she took a seat next to me.

There was a nock on the door and I heard Brian open it. He must have just come from upstairs.
"Hello Alison." He said.
The door closed and the two entered the kitchen as I finished breakfast. I stood and took the plate and put it in the dishwasher.
"Ready?" Alison asked me as I turned around.
I nodded and she walked back along the hall to the door. Eva hugged me and gave me some money for lunch.
"See you later Sweetheart."

I said my goodbyes and followed Alison out the door, my bag over my shoulder.
I got in her car and we drove away from the house, heading for the school.
The drive didn't take too long, it was also quiet due to neither of us saying anything.
When I got out the car once she'd pulled up outside the building, she said that she'd pick me up later, just like yesterday.
I nodded and took my time heading to the building.

I went to the office and retrieved the slip of paper from Miss Howl. She smiled at me, so I returned it with a smaller one.
As I was about to leave, she wished me a good day. I nodded and said the same.
I had homeroom again with Mr. Cormack. I didn't mind, he seemed cool. I remembered the way from yesterday so I headed straight up.

There were already a few students in there already, so I took my seat at the back of the class after giving Mr. Cormack the slip of paper.
I spent homeroom finishing up the picture I started last night. I just finished the detail and had started going over it with a fine black pen.
"That looks awesome man." Eric said as he looked over to what I was doing.

"Th-thanks." I said with a small smile.
"Wish I could draw."
"I.. I'm not that good." I tried.
"Well, we have art later. Show it to Mrs. Cutherston. I recon she'd be really impressed."
I didn't think I was that good, it's more of a hobby to keep myself calm. But I nodded and he smiled.
When the bell rang, I put the pad of paper into my bag and we left the room.

The rest of the classes were nothing special. It was pretty much the same as yesterday.
I didn't go to the diner for lunch, instead I sat by myself in the lunch hall. I got a bacon and mayo sandwich and a biscuit, along with chocolate milk.
"Clay, right?" I looked up when the voice sounded.
It was the silver haired guy, Rash if I remembered correctly.
I nodded.
"Mind if I join you?"

"Um.. N-no sure, go ahead."
He smiled at me and took a seat at the table. He had a slice of pizza with a few chips.
"How you finding it here?" He asked.
"It seems ok."
He chuckled. "Yeah, that about sums this place up."
Why was he trying to have a conversation with me? It's not that not I'm flattered, it's just not what I expected.

"I never introduced myself yesterday, I'm Rash."
I nodded as he picked up his pizza and took a bite.
We both looked up to see who had called him. It was Eli. She waved and walked over to us.
"That girl is nothing but energy." Rash said with a chuckle. "So's Dave to be fair though."
Eli placed her tray on the table and sat.
"What are you two conspiring about?"
"Just getting to know each other." Rash said.

She giggled a bit. "Good luck. He's not much of a talker. It took me and Dave weeks for him to say more than a few words to us."
"I dunno," Rash said. "He's quiet. I like that. It's better than half of the people here at least. One half only talks shit while the rest just talk."
"True. Oh, how's practice going?"
"Same as usual. Coach is an idiot, but.. Can't exactly say anything about it."
"Oh, please." Dave said, popping out of nowhere and sat down. "You could probably tell each member of staff to fuck off and they'd still love you."

Eli and Rash laughed at that.
"Where did you even come from?" Rash asked.
"Magic." Was all he said whole waving his hands mysteriously infront of him.
I cracked a smile at that.
"You two free tonight?" Rash asked Eli and Dave.
"Umm..  Yes? I think so."
"Wanna hang out at my place?"
"Hell yeah!" Dave said, a giant grin on his face.
Eli looked at me while eating. "You wanna come?" She asked between bites.
"I.. I dunno. I probably shouldn't."

"Oh come on, it'll be fun." She pleaded.
"Wh-what about Alison?"
"Allison's a bitch. Don't worry about her. Come with us." Dave said.
"Yeah." Rash said, looking at me. "The more the merrier. I'm sure mom would love cooking for a full house again."
I was still unsure. But I didn't want to let them down.
"A.. Alright."
"Yes!" Dave said, full of excitement.
He was like a little puppy with how much energy he had.

"I've got practice tonight, but if you guys don't mind hanging around for an hour or so, I can drive us."
"Sure." Eli said. "I'll text Eva, don't worry." She said to me.
I noded and we kept eating and talking.
I was kinda excited about tonight. This Rash guy seemed really cool. Dave and Eli liked him, so I probably would too.
The thought of having a friend was also exciting. I hadn't had many growing up. And being on the streets I had no one. Well, one person, but that didn't last long.

There was Eric and his friends, but I wasn't sure if I made much of an impact on them.
The bell rang and we all broke for class. Eli said to meet her here at the end of the day instead of going out. I nodded and I moved off to find the art room as it was my next class.

Thanks for reading!
Hope y'all enjoyed it.

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