chapter eleven - ben's house

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"Here we are," Ben said, tossing his bike down in front of a modest house, which was complete with a short picket fence and a small garden, which really only consisted of some sparse grass and a few stray weeds.  You gulped a bit, mentally preparing yourself for what you would have to face once you entered his house.  You clumsily dismounted your bike, letting it fall down.  You turned behind you, met with the sight of Eddie tripping over Richie's bicycle.  Holding in a giggle, you turned to Stanley, who was absorbed in the task of propping up his bike on its kickstand.  You heard the rest of the losers rush into Ben's home while you stood your ground, waiting for Stan to finish up his task.  

After he was certain that his bike would stay upright, he turned to you, flashing you a small smile, his eyes glinting in the early evening sun.  

"Thanks for waiting n/n," he said gently.  Your eyes caught his, your own e/c irises gazing into his hazel hues.  The sunlight was powdered across his face, giving him a warm glow as he looked down at you.

"O-Of course," you returned, your eyes still trained on his soft features.  You felt your gaze flick down to his lips, which were turned slightly upwards, their pink tint standing out amongst the honey glaze that made its presence on the rest of his face.  He turned towards Ben's house and began to hurriedly rush inside, beckoning for you to do the same.  You followed him, jogging lightly until you reached the quaint entryway of the newest loser's home.  

You walked leisurely through his hallway, tracing your hand lightly against the chipping ivory paint on the walls.  You caught up to Stanley, throwing a small smile in his direction as you continued towards the stout boy's room.  

Finally, you reached his room, and immediately let out a gasp at what lay before you.  His room was extravagant, to say the least.  Posters upon posters lined his walls, along with news articles, portraits of a few missing kids, and loads of graphing paper and other materials.  Everything looked so intentional, so meticulous, yet still slightly askew and homely as well.  You silently laughed, realizing how much the boy's room seemed to reflect his personality.

"Woah, woah, woah, wow,"  you hear Richie exclaim.

"Cool, huh?"  Ben says as he turns around to face the group. 

Richie's eyes grow wide for a second at his question as he scans the room further.

"No, no, nothing cool.." he trails off.  "Oh this is cool, right here!"  He says before stopping himself.  "Wait, no, no, it's not cool."

You walk over and take a spot next to Stanley, who was bent over Ben's desk, looking intently over some old news articles.  He notices your presence and looks up, offering a small smile, which you return.  

"Uh, here n/n, we can look together,"  He says, shifting the article slighting in your direction so that it was seated between you both.  

"Thanks...Stanny,"  You say, your gaze flickering down to his lips before you turn your attention down to the paper.  Stanley's eyes linger on you a bit longer,  his face softening ever so slightly as his eyes drift down to your own rosy lips.  As he turns towards the article, he laughs under his breath, the sound undetectable to anyone else besides himself.  His hands come up to toy with the collar on his stark white shirt, and he subconsciously steps closer to you, your hips now brushing ever so slightly against his.  

A small hum is released from your mouth as you turn away from the article, now facing the wall near you, where a few posters were hanging.  

"What's that?"  You ask, quirking an eyebrow as you turn to face Ben, an inquisitive expression on your face.  

"Oh, that?  That's the charter for Derry township,"  He explained, drawing the attention of Stanley, Eddie, and Richie who came to stand near you.

"Nerd alert," Richie scoffs, laughing a bit.

"No, actually it's really interesting.  Derry started out as a beaver trapping camp," The stout boy said.

"Still is, am I right boys?"  Richie says, raising up his hand to you for a high five.  You pull his arm down while Eddie gives him a glare and Stanley shakes his head at Richie's theatrics.

The boy disregarded your brother, continuing with his explanation.  "Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry.  But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace."  

At this, the room fell silent, a heavy feeling looming over the seven of you.  

"T-The entire camp?"  Eddie broke the eerie silence with a question that was almost equally as terrifying as Ben's words.

"There were rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something.  But it's like one day, everybody just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the Well House."  

"Jesus, we could get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries," Richie said, nudging you unceremoniously. 

"Let's do that, you're brilliant," Eddie returned, in a tone that was somehow both sarcastic and genuine.

"I might be,"  Richie said, a small smirk playing on his lips.  You grinned gently, thinking for a second.  'They're both just so smitten with one another, aren't they?'  You thought.  'I wonder if...anyone feels that way about me.  No, no y/n.  You'll be lucky if anyone even looks in your direction at any point in your life.'  Your face darkened a bit at your musings, ashamed at how self-deprecating they were.  'My thoughts are true, though, aren't they..."

"Where was the well house?"  Bill said, pulling you out of your thoughts.  You, however, were grateful for this little intermission he was giving you from all the turmoil inside of your mind.   You were never a fan of pitying yourself, it was just pathetic, so thank god he was there to provide you some salvation from your thoughts.

"I don't know.  Somewhere in town, I guess,"  Ben answered, a bit uncertain.  "Why?"

Bill's eyes drifted over to a few posters hanging on the smaller boy's wall.  "Nothing."

You were sure that it wasn't nothing.  Nothing ever seemed to be "nothing" with Bill.  Not that this was a bad thing.  The poor boy was traumatized, what with the disappearance of his younger brother, the neglect from his parents, and his obvious feelings of loneliness and despair that had been setting in over the past few months.  

But, you currently weren't too keen on finding out what his "nothing" meant this time.  However, you were certain that you would be finding out what it meant soon enough.  

Perhaps sooner than you would like.

Word Count - 1226

Woah oh my god everyone.  I'm so very sorry for taking so long to update and giving a chapter that was kind of short.  I've been trying my best, but my anxiety has really spiked recently, and it's a bit difficult to deal with uploading and writing while that is sort of thing is on my mind.  I will be updating more regularly from now on, I just needed a small break over the past few weeks.  Thank you lovelies for sticking around, and I'll see you next chapter! 

xx, ur actual mom

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