Valentines (10 TIHAY) Pt.2

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Date: 14th February, ♡
Year: 2nd


* Prof. Lockheart has asked students to read their poem for their Valentines. *

* Students have started reading one by one *

*Draco has already read his poem and is now sobbing silently in his chair*

* It is now Harry's turn *

Harry :

* Is stealing glances at Draco Malfoy *
* takes a long breath and closes his eyes *

Can we just run away
Together, just me and you?
Have fun and play.
You know, just us two.

Can we just leave this place,
And run hand in hand?
Be together all our days
And never ever look back...

Can we just walk
Together under the stars?
I'll kiss your hand and your lips,
And you can have my heart.

Can we just walk
For hours on the sand ?
We'll talk about anything and Everything
And I'll hold your hand.

Can we just build a boat ?
I'll hold you close,
near my heart,
And we will stay afloat.

* his glasses are foggy *

* mumbled out last verse due to crying *

~ Meanwhile in Class ~

Pansy is Crying Angrily.

Crabbe and Goyle are looking at each other and then looking at Draco and Harry.

Hermione's Jaw has Officially dropped.

Ron is Soaking wet in Lavender's Tears.

Patil Twins are sobbing.

Class is half under Water, Lavender is blamed Majorly.

Cho Chang is holding her tears back.

Prof. Lockheart is smiling devil's grin and trying to drape his robe.

Neville is running behind his pet Toad 'Trevor' who is enjoying in pool of puddles.

Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott are  collecting 5 galleons from everybody because they have won the bet.

Hannah Abott and Susan Bones are fighting because Ernie Macmillan has chosen Daphne GreenGrass over both of them.

Draco has fallen face first in Harry's Arms and they both are lost in each others eyes.

Dumbledore has awarded 100 points to Drarry.

McGonagall and Snape have managed to Save 10 students from the rising flood of tears.

TIME SKIP brought to you by Aragog and his hungry Children.

Harry And Draco both don't remember writing poems for each other.
Prof. Lockheart has annonced his new  book called "Lost Love."

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