~Oh~ (noco)

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no one requested this just happened

high school au

tw: mute!noah, bullies

this has part of the song "this is home" by cavetown :>

~Noah's pov~

Here we go again. Spitballs flying at my head in math class. Stupid Duncan.

"Noah, do you have an answer?"

I shake my head. I haven't talked in years. Just trauma I guess.

"Noah I'd like to talk to you after class." I nod. "And Duncan, stop spitting spit balls at that poor child's head."

"Awww you're no fun Mrs. K."

I pay attention for the rest of class. The bell rings and I walk up to Mrs. K's desk.

"Hi Noah. Sweetie, the thing is, you're a very smart boy, but you never participate. Which is why you're in algebra instead of geometry or somewhere higher where you belong. I know that you know the math, you just never give me answers out loud. Why don't you ever talk?"

I take a pen and a post-it note.

'I guess trauma? I get that you're trying to help me and all, but no matter what you do, I'm never going to talk.'

"Class is going to start again soon. I'll write you a pass. You have Mr. H next, correct?" I nod.

I'm walking in the hallway with my pass, just wanting to get to art. Art is my gateway. The only person I've almost talked to in these past couple years is Mr. H. I walk in and hand the pass to him. It's a free day so I just sit and sketch. I'm sketching the landscape outside because I have no idea what else to draw. A girl looks over my shoulder.

"That's really good!" I smile at her. I look up to study the class. Justin, Geoff, DJ, and Duncan are all in the middle of the classroom. Scratch that, they're coming over to me. Justin takes my sketch book. I'm really short so I reach for it, but he holds it up. Geoff speaks up to say something.

"Aww, ya want it? Why don't you say so, f*****!" Tears well up in my eyes. The rest of this scene will be told in form of a "play".

~DJ: Get a load of this monster.

Justin: He doesn't know how to communicate, his mind is in a different place.

Duncan: WilL eveRYbOdY PLeAse GivE hIM A litTLe BiT Of SpAce.

Geoff: Get a load of this train wreck. His hair's a mess-

Justin: And he doesn't know who he is yet.

Cody Anderson: But little do you know the stars, welcome him with open arms..~

Cody is now in-front of me. I finally say something, after years of keeping silent.


Everyone around me was shocked.

"He talks?"

"I thought he was deaf!"

"No, he's mute."

"But he just talked."

"I thought he was nonverbal autistic?"

I hate attention.. Cody starts cupping the side of my face.

"Time is, slowly. I'm tracing your face."

"But strangely I-I feel-l-l-l-l at home in this place.."

~                                                               ~

i'm sorry this is kinda sucky

<517 words>

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