~What About.. Noah?~ (noco)

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has trans!noah, and much transphobia, and homophobia.

high school au cause we all know how much i love it

requested by SillyKittyUwU

~'nola's' pov~

"Nola Sharma?" I sigh.

"Present." I hated my name. Something about it made me very upset. I don't know what it is however.

"Okay, I will pick your partners for this project. Duncan Campbell and Courtney Garcia." (an: theres y'all duncney shipper's food for today) "Owen Murphy and Isabella Kennedy. Heather Tanaka and Alejandro Burromuerto. Nola Sharma and Cody Anderson." She went on. I barely knew Cody.

"Hey, Nola is it? Do you think we could work on the project at your house?" I think for a second.

"No, I have eight siblings and all my sisters would fuss over you. Do you think we would be able to work at your house?"


<time skip brought to you by our chaotic discord server>

(an: when you see this; ^^ around a quote, it's in hindi)

I called my mother after school. "^Hello Mother. May I go to a classmate's house to work on a project?^"

"^Is it a boy?!^"

"^Yes, but you know that I am modest and will not date until you and father say it is okay.^"

"^Yes then Nola. Be home by dinner, and do not forget to pray at least once while you're there.^"

"^Got it Mother.^" I ended the call. Cody walks up behind me.

"What language was that brosephine?"

"Hindi. Let's get going." I follow behind him, my hair and skirt flowing in the wind.

"So, who were you speaking Hindi to?"

"My mother."

"Oh, your parents immigrants or something?"

"Well, our whole family is. We moved here when I was three."

"Ahh. This is my house. My parents aren't home. I have to go to the bathroom." He leaves me in the living room. I decide, now is my time to pray. I pray in Hindi, to the Hindu gods and such. I finish and wait for Cody to get back. He gets back and such so we start discussing the project.

"So Nola, what do you think we should do the project on?"

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"Well, it has to be something that is not commonly written about so I think we should do being transgender in today's society. Thoughts?"

"What's transgender?"

"You must be really sheltered. It means that you do not identify with your gender assigned at birth."

"That's it." I whisper.


"That's it!" I say a little louder. "Could you tell me how it works?!"

"This is the most I've heard you talk. Of course. Basically, you have something called gender dysphoria, and you feel like you aren't in the right body. So for example, if I were to feel like I was a girl, I would go by she/her pronouns instead of he/him pronouns. I'd also change my name, and go on hormones."

"So, pronouns? I'm kind of confused about that part."

"So, I go by he/him pronouns. If I were to identify as female, I would ask you to call me she/her pronouns instead. You would also call me by my preferred name as well. But, you can also use they/them pronouns."

"So, how do you change it?" I'm catching on, and I think I may be transgender.

"Your pronouns? You ask your friends, family, and acquaintances to call you by your preferred pronouns."

"I think I might be transgender. I mean, I feel more like a boy. But, I don't know what my parents would think of this. Nor do I know what my name would be."

"Woah, that's okay brosephe. Let's see how the name.. I dunno, Noah sticks. We'll deal with your parents later. All I need you to worry about is looking handsome as fu-" I cocked my head to the side, and then he ruffled my hair.

"You think I'm handsome?"

"Well yeah, I always thought you were beautiful, but that doesn't describe you anymore, Noah. When it comes time, I could help you cut your hair! I think I know the style that would suit you."


"Yeah Nol-Noah?"

"We should probably work on the project now."

"Nah, we have a couple months. I just wanted an excuse for you to come over." He keeps ruffling my hair.

"Oh.." He grabs my hand, and won't let go.

"^I love you.^"

"Come again?"

"Learn Hindi, and then you can learn what I said."

~                                                               ~

<749 words>

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