~So the Princess has a Dark Side~ (duncney)

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requested by @totaldramarama
season 1 duncney :)

~courtney's pov~

I had just thrown up off the side of the cabin. Duncan comes out.

"So the princess has a dark side."

"Okay, that was so gross." I say. We continue to talk. Suddenly, he grabs my face and kisses me.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend? Please. I've had so much fun tonight, and I just-"

"Oh shut up already!" I grab his face and kiss him. It felt like if Heaven and Cake had a baby. It'd just be more heaven, but still!

"I think I love you."

I see in the background Geoff hands Dj and Gwen both five dollar bills.

"We knew it'd be him who said it first!" Gwen and Dj high-fived.

I start petting Duncan's mohawk. It's just so fluffy.

"You enjoying yourself princess?"

"Oh shut it ogre."

"Does that mean I can get another kiss?"

"Sure." I kiss him again. Now we have to go to sleep, but still, I felt amazing. I woke up in the middle of the night and decided I needed a walk in the woods. I come by a tree, and someone's standing over there carving something out of a chunk of wood. I get a little closer, and it's Duncan. On the tree next to him, there's initials carved into the tree with hearts. D + C, B + G, G + T, L + T, O + I, N + C and L + H. I believe you can guess who those are. I keep walking, but my heart keeps fluttering like a butterfly, higher and higher. There's flashes in my mind of our future together. Wedding, kids, growing old. God, I think I love him.

~                                                               ~

i'm sorry it's not that good.

<290 words>

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