~Drawing Sleeves~ (aletyler)

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tw- bullying, self harm mentions, being told to kys
in this high school au, when you draw on yourself, it shows up on your soulmate.

~tyler's pov~

"Nice drawings dude" Geoff teased me. We were getting ready for gym class.

"They aren't mine! My soulmate drew them. She's really talented."

"You mean Lindsay's really talented."

"No, it's not Lindsay. It's someone else." Suddenly Alejandro walks in. I don't know what it is about him, but I don't like him. He always wears long sleeves, and long pants. And while getting changed for gym, he never does it out in the open like the rest of us. He goes into one of the stalls. He doesn't like people to touch him, especially his arms. Last time someone touched his arm, they were punched. He looks down a lot, stutters sometimes, draws a bunch of random crap, and is really introverted. I don't get him. Duncan pins him up against a wall.

"Wrist reveal." He laughed. Al's eyes filled with terror. Duncan lifted down his white sleeve to see a bandage. Duncan unwraps the bandage to see none other then, a bunch of scars. Self harm scars. Along with some drawings around them saying "You're better than this" and a bunch of butterflies with slashes through them. (an: these are like killed butterflies from the butterfly project.) I looked down at my wrist, which I more payed attention to my upper arms. They matched. Besides the scars.

"Awwww is the f** gonna cry? Go kill yourself." He pulled off both of the bandages, pulled down his sleeves, and ran into the stall. The rest of the boys left, but I wanted to try something. He couldn't be my soulmate, could he? I took a marker out of my backpack, and drew a butterfly on my thigh. I put the name "Tyler" next to it. I knew about the butterfly project, just had never needed to do anything. He comes out of, looking at me.

"Did you draw it?" He asked.

"Draw what?"

"Draw the butterfly." Shit, he is. Well, I guess it kinda makes sense I guess.

"Yeah.. I'm sorry, Duncan's an asshole."

"I'm sorry for always drawing on myself. It's a coping mechanism, but it never works. Neither does the butterfly project. I always kill them.."

"No, I like it. They're pretty. You're really talented."

"Thanks, but no."

"No, yeah. So, I guess we're soulmates."

"Yep. I should probably go to the nurse. I can't stay."

"Okay, bye. Catch you later.." I found my soulmate. And he's perfect.

~                                                               ~

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