5) DracoStyle Apology

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A/N : So here's the last part of the third year. I wanted to make some foundation from the childish times before jumping to upper serious years so if it's not to your liking I'm sorry and I hope you'll enjoy the later chapters then.
And I'll put Draco's Pov But starting the Fifth year onwards.
Love. Aryana.

Author's quick note: your Votes and comments and time on reading this is much appreciated guys ❤️

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Author's quick note: your Votes and comments and time on reading this is much appreciated guys ❤️


Adelina's Pov

Imagine someone burn that one book you love the most. That's how I felt.

I went mad when I found out Flint had rescheduled our first season game and only because of a ludicrous excuse that Malfoy was presumably still healing from his supposed arm injury and couldn't play as the seeker.
Malfoy was very much healed completely a week after the accident and the game was two months after that.

It was my first and only game I was allowed to play this year.
Flint had told me that first day he was not gonna let me play the other two games and he gave this one fall game as my only shot.

Now that the game was rescheduled for May, he made it clear I'll only be the same I was last year. A substitute.

I dashed into the dungeons and set my eyes right at Malfoy who was lounging on the couch like he owned the damn room, cackling and elbowing Blaise in the side with his presumably injured arm.

"Malfoy you bloody poltroon excuse of a Slytherin!" His head whipped up around at the mention of his name and got to his feet casually.
Before anyone could stop me, I punched his face and he lost his footing landing on his back on the couch.
Standing still there by the couch trying to calm my heavy breathing, I stared down at him with disgust through my cold shuttered eyes. Bastard.

"How dare you cruddy minger! What's wrong with your mental arse?!" He spat raging with anger before getting back to his feet. The nerve in his head....

"I had enough of your rubbish Malfoy. I'm gonna shave that lemon off your head!" I leapt at him again to push him down before two pairs of fatty arms jerked me back roughly.

"Let me go trolls!"

"Hey hey hey what's going on here?"
Someone interrupted. It was only then I noticed the whole common room had gone silent, staring at me in confusion, some anger and some shocked. What did they want?

"Get off of her, you two." Terence muttered after almost running down the dormitory steps to where we stood, freeing me of their grasp and pulled me to his side. "What's this all about Malfoy?"

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