32) Shouting eyes/ Screaming thoughts/ Grim Malfoy Manor Part 1

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A/N: Hello guys, how are you doing?
Wattpad has been screwing me over for the past 3 days, not allowing me to publish chapters and it's just been UUUGGGHHH. Wouldn't even let me log in like wthhh? -_-

OKAY as you see this is the first part of two chapters. Originally they were supposed to be THREE chapters but I merged them into two.
So if you're wondering why they're a bit longer than usual, that's why.

Spoiler alert for future: Sirius has an important impact on Ada's life.
That's why he became a part of this story and I haven't just added him because he's a popular character or for good laughs. Him and Regulus both.

⚡⚡Also I recommend reading the last chapter again if you've forgotten it or this chapter and the next one will be as useless as I am at updating.😐😂

Hope you enjoy,

Adelina's Pov

I fucking regret you! Why the hell did it have to be you?!

His words echoed in my head incessantly, yapping like hellhounds at a cornered lamb, rattling every left sane inch of my mind into chaos.

Something behind me cracked. But in that very moment I couldn't care less what.

I could simply tell myself he just flipped out, a slip of the tongue in the heat of his anger, I could say that we always say things we don't mean when our mind is about to explode. No need to make a big deal out of it.

But not this time, I couldn't. Because it'd be pure idiocy.

Because his eyes were as treacherous as the stormy silver sea roaring mad in them.
He did regret me.

Who didn't?

When I felt the sensation of a burning liquid almost making way in my eyes, immediately I took a deep breath, straightening my face and blinking, shutting it all down.
Good. you're not gonna cry in front of a stranger. Not as you did in front of Draco and now look what happened.

I don't know if I was the one trembling or there was an earthquake going on but when another cracking sound resonated, a portion of my senses got kicked back to me like jolts of electricity.
Without any awareness I jerked around and by the sight of the wall behind me, my breath went frigid, trapped in my lungs.

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