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It was the closing day for the first semester and everyone was at school. I had just parked my car at the lot outside, emerging from the car. But something was different that day, despite being the marching day to the ceremony for the burial of Daniel and the five 'victims' that were killed in Lake Smith.

Mom had returned last night, the day after Gabriel and I...had sex. The next morning, he left a note saying he 'had to run' and he loves me. It scared me to know that I had had sex with a person capable of abandoning me the following day. His disappearance made it feel like a one-night stand of some sort like I was one of his bitches who gave him good sex and he disappeared on them.

Or I could be possibly thinking of the worst. Gabriel loved me too much to betray me for sex. And what would his motives be? To hurt me? Because he grew cold feet when he saw me asleep next to him naked and didn't want the awkward moment of talking things out and the 'last night was a mistake' cliche from the movies.

But I had managed to give him the benefit of the doubt, although he never called ever since he left. I never called either. I figured whatever he left for was of utmost importance and he'd explain it to me as he does with other things. Regardless, that night was nothing else but amazing.

And I would keep on looking at myself in the mirror and I would picture myself naked in front of him again. The memory made me cringe at first, knowing that I had allowed myself to be that vulnerable, however, the bliss of it all just made it seem happily memorable.

That day I was attired in black, just like the posters said, and we would peacefully march to the Belvyn Cemetery by foot. I walked inside the building of Clever Cats and yes, I was right, something did feel different.

And just as I suspected, there was a huge poster pasted in the locker's passage, with a picture of JULIE, NAKED. It looked like a thumbnail to some sex tape. There was also a red painting at the bottom titled 'YOU'RE NEXT".

Fear began growing on me too. One that began with slow hyperventilations. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears, thumping vigorously. I quivered where I stood, as students took pictures of the poor girl in the poster. Everyone was laughing, oblivious to the same the poor girl had been put through.

"Adrian..." Jeremiah, out of nowhere, appeared.

"I'm fine, Jeremiah." I wasn't. The room was spinning.

"C'mon..." He took my lame body, it seemed as if he was carrying me, and we got into Mr Word's empty class. He stood right in front of me with his face directly in front of mine. I began to sober.

"Jeremiah," I whispered his name.

"You're okay?"

I nodded. "Where's Julie?"

"She left."

"God, she must be feeling terrible." I shook my head, relating to the humiliation. "Have you seen Gabriel?"

"He left town like a day or two ago, said he had things to take care of. Why?"

I shook my head, hesitantly. "No reason."

"Benjamin was looking for you."


"I don't know. He just didn't seem okay."

I nodded. Who was okay in a time like this? It was quite understandable. "When's the march?"

"An hour from now." He held my hands. "God, you're still shaking."

"I'm okay, Jeremiah. I promise."

He knew he was not going to finish the battle, but he did keep his hands on mine. He sat down in front of me. "Is it true? Gabriel slept at your crib?"

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