We'll Be On Fire

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A few days had passed, but everything seemed to move slowly in Noah's world. He had spent what he had counted as seven days bound to a chair. The tight ropes caused his arms and legs to go numb, but the pain was dull now. He discovered that if he focused on something else, the pain would leave for a few minutes. In just a week, Noah had grown a lot tougher. Although, it could have been a month for all he knew. The sights with that smoke and Oliver sustained and haunted him though. He had studied a few things about Oliver, but not much. He had turned off most of his emotions by this point. The highlight of his day was when he could go upstairs to eat or use the bathroom. The food wasn't even that bad, but he had been wary to eat it at first.

"Why would I eat food from a person who hurts me?" Noah had muttered to him the first time he saw the plate of pasta pushed to him.

"Well, you could starve." Oliver snapped back.

Oliver's house was enormous, or at least from what he could tell. He had no idea where they were though, and why Oliver was keeping him alive. Noah estimated he would have been dead by the time two days had passed, but no. He wasted most of his days in the frigid basement, though. Thankfully, it was Summer, but shortly Winter would begin edging closer. Would he even be alive by Winter?

Noah learned that Oliver always arose at seven in the morning. He could hear the pitter-patter of his feet above. Just like each morning, today was the same. He had gotten past crying, begging, and shouting. It hadn't done Noah any good and it never would. If he tried to negotiate with the man, he would just get met with a smack to the face.

The worst part of his time was spent at night. It was when all the light would disappear and Noah would be left with just the quietness of the house. That's when it would start, all the painful dreams, or hallucinations. Noah wasn't even sure what to make of them anymore. Fire. Why is there so much fire? The whole room was lit with flames but dark with smoke at the same time, he felt so disoriented as he tried to make his way out to fresh air. He finally got to the door, but before he could open it, somebody was pulling him back into the flames. "Please!" He croaked, voice raspy from the fumes he was inhaling. This isn't how he wanted to go out!

It wasn't real.

The basement door creaked open and Noah flinched a little, finally getting away from the awful visions. It took everything in him not to break down and start crying. He never knew if Oliver would be in a good mood that day. He listened as Oliver got to the bottom of the stairs, being met with his sinister grin.

"Goodmorning, angel," Oliver spoke casually as if it was just another day at the office. Oliver had something to tell Noah today, it was important. It was something he had been debating about for days, ever since he saw Noah at that time. Firstly, Oliver had found himself enthralled and fascinated by the boy. And the other thing was, this wasn't the first time they had met. Those "dreams" Noah was having were something extremely deeper, they were flashbacks. 

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